Title: |
Aylesbury High School, Buckinghamshire: Archaeological Field Evaluation |
Series: |
Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Report (in Series)
Abstract: |
In September 2004 Albion Archaeology were commissioned by Babtie Group to undertake an archaeological field evaluation of the site, on behalf of Buckinghamshire County Council. The aim was to establish the extent and condition of any archaeological remains, to characterise them and to allow their importance to be assessed. The site lies in a landscape rich in archaeological remains dating from the prehistoric, Roman, Saxon and medieval periods. Several recent archaeological investigations have been undertaken within close proximity to the site. Four trial trenches were opened, only two of which produced evidence for archaeological features. Two early Roman (1st - 2nd century AD) field boundary ditches were located. It is possible that these ditches represent the remains of a field system related to a contemporary settlement focus, located immediately to the north-west of the site (SMR 6377, 637701, Babtie 2001). However, the relative paucity of the artefact assemblage and the abraded nature of the pottery sherds recovered during the evaluation suggest that the settlement focus did not extend into the present site. The alignment of the ditches observed during this evaluation was similar to the remains of possible field systems observed during earlier excavations which took place to the north-west of Walton Road (SMR 6733). It is suggested that the ditches recorded during the current evaluation may have been part of a similar field system to the south-east of Walton Road. |
Author: |
Joe Abrams
A Bell
J Pixley
J Wells
Publisher: |
Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: |
Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Buckinghamshire County Council (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Site: |
Aylesbury High School |
Parish: |
District: |
Aylesbury Vale |
County: |
Buckinghamshire |
Country: |
England |
Grid Reference: 482600, 213220 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods: |
Identifiers: |
albionar1-4212 |
Report Number 2004 - 86 |
Note: |
Bound A4 Report
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
23 Nov 2016 |