Dennison, E. (1994). M6 Widening: Junctions 16-20, Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Cultural Heritage (Archaeology). Anthony Walker and Partners.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: M6 Widening: Junctions 16-20, Environmental Statement, Volume 2, Cultural Heritage (Archaeology)
Series: Anthony Walker and Partners unpublished report series
M6_widening_junc_16-20_Stage_3_scheme_assessment_report.pdf (31 MB) : Download
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Publication Type: Report (in Series)
Author: Ed Dennison
Publisher: Anthony Walker and Partners
Year of Publication: 1994
Site: M6 Widening: Junctions 16-20
District: Cheshire East
County: Cheshire
Country: England
Grid Reference: 377753, 352423 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 376921, 361850 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 374212, 367109 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 372289, 379485 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 366617, 384081 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods:
BRONZE AGE (Historic England Periods) SPEARHEAD (Object England)
20TH CENTURY (Historic England Periods) Airfield (Monus)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) ARTEFACT SCATTER (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) BARN (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Brick Kiln (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Brickearth Pit (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) BRIDGE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) CANAL (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Canal Lock (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) CHAPEL (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) CHURCH (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) FARMSTEAD (Monument Type England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Hall (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) HOUSE (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Leat (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Mill (Monus)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) MOAT (Monument Type England)
20TH CENTURY (Historic England Periods) Pillbox (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Pond (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Public House (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Quarry (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Railway (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Railway Station (Monus)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) RIDGE AND FURROW (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) ROAD (Monument Type England)
ROMAN (Historic England Periods) ROAD (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Salt Works (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) School (Monus)
IRON AGE (Historic England Periods) SETTLEMENT (Monument Type England)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Walled Garden (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Wharf (Monus)
POST MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) Windmill (Monus)
Source icon
Grey Literature Scanning projects (Highways Agency)
Created Date: 25 Nov 2016