Keir, W. and Koziminski, M. (2012). Harlington Wood End Cottage, Harlington Wood End, Tingrith, Beds: Archaeological Observation, Investigation, Recording, Analysis and Publication. Bedford: Albion Archaeology.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: Harlington Wood End Cottage, Harlington Wood End, Tingrith, Beds: Archaeological Observation, Investigation, Recording, Analysis and Publication
Series: Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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Publication Type: Report (in Series)
Abstract: Planning permission (CB/11/02088/FULL) was granted for development at Harlington Wood End Cottage, Harlington Wood End, Tingrith in Bedfordshire. The development work comprised the erection of side and rear extensions and the demolition of existing outbuildings which will be replaced by a detached workshop. Albion Archaeology was commissioned to carry out the archaeological works in accordance with the methodologies described in a Written Scheme of Investigation (Albion Archaeology 2011), produced in response to a brief prepared by the Central Bedfordshire Council Archaeologist (CBC 2011). No archaeological features or deposits of significance were revealed during the observation and investigation of the construction groundworks. Other than geological deposits, only layers associated with modern landscaping of the grounds and a modern pit were revealed.
Author: Wesley Keir
Marcin Koziminski
Publisher: Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Central Bedfordshire HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: 2012
Site: Harlington Wood End Cottage, Wood End, Tingrith
District: Central Bedfordshire
County: Bedfordshire
Country: England
Location - Auto Detected: Harlington Wood End Cottage Harlington
Location - Auto Detected: Harlington Wood End Cottage Harlington Wood End Tingrith
Grid Reference: 501830, 231550 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods:
UNCERTAIN (Historic England Periods) NONE (Find)
20TH CENTURY (Historic England Periods) PIT (Monument Type England)
Modern (Auto Detected Temporal)
OBIB: 2011/169
OASIS Id: albionar1-114764
Note: A4 comb bound report
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Created Date: 28 Nov 2016