Data copyright © Cotswold Archaeology unless otherwise stated
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Cotswold Archaeology
Building 11
Cotswold Business Park
Tel: 01285 771022
Fax: 01285 771033
This collection comprises images and GIS data from an archaeological evaluation by Cotswold Archaeology on land at Shottisham Hall Farm, Alderton Road, Shottisham, Suffolk.
The evaluation involved the excavation of fifteen 30m long, 1.8m wide trenches, as part of a planning requirement for the construction of an agricultural resevoir on the site (ref. DC/22/1072/AGO). The trenches were excavated between 26th September and 4th October 2022.
The trenches revealed small undated ditches/gullies within the northern trenches and a large medieval enclosure ditch and quarry pit within the southern trenches. Sparse finds of Prehistoric, Roman and medieval pottery were recovered from the features and medieval and post-medieval metal work was recovered from the topsoil.