Curated Collection: Anglo-Saxon Burials

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Resource identifiers

  • ADS Collection: 6716


Aerial photo of the Cuxton Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Cuxton, Kent - Integrated Site Report.
Aerial photo of the Cuxton Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Cuxton, Kent - Integrated Site Report.

The archive collection comprises a list of eight Anglo-Saxon burial sites around England, selected as potential teaching and learning resources.

The cemeteries selected for this collection differ in burial types (Princely burials, crouch burials, cremation urns) and in religion (pagan and Christian), painting a broad picture of the Anglo-Saxon deathscape. Through detailed records and pictures of grave goods and human remains, the cemeteries give extensive information about the funerary customs, religion, and socio-economic dynamics of Anglo-Saxon settlements in the South East (Kent and Essex), the East (Suffolk), and the Yorkshire and Humbers (Cleatham, North Lincolnshire) regions of England.

Potential for Re-Use

Photographs and illustrations of the sites and grave finds can be integrated into history and archaeology lessons, especially at a primary education level, as part of the “Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons” in Key Stage 2 curriculum. Additionally, finds databases and specialist reports from the archives are ideal for students to use as project data or learning resources for A-level and university assignments.

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