Meggeson Avenue (Southampton Regeneration), Townhill Park, Southampton: An Archaeological Evaluation Report (aocarcha1-124784).

AOC Archaeology Group, 2013. How to cite using this DOI

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AOC Archaeology Group (2013) Meggeson Avenue (Southampton Regeneration), Townhill Park, Southampton: An Archaeological Evaluation Report (aocarcha1-124784). [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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AOC Archaeology Group (2013) Meggeson Avenue (Southampton Regeneration), Townhill Park, Southampton: An Archaeological Evaluation Report (aocarcha1-124784). [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Meggeson Avenue (Southampton Regeneration), Townhill Park, Southampton. Pre-ex general of site W.

An archaeological investigation was undertaken by AOC Archaeology Group on behalf of Lovell Partnership Ltd in June 2012 at the site of Meggeson Avenue, Townhill, Southampton. The archaeological investigation consisted of a two trench evaluation.

The earliest features encountered during the evaluation appeared to be late 18th or 19th century in origin relating to the landscaping and construction of an ornamental lake. The late 18th or 19th century landscaping that took place appears to have removed all pre-existing in-situ soil horizons and potentially any earlier features that may have been present overlying the natural sand. All deposits encountered overlying this late 18th or 19th century phase of activity were associated with further landscaping of the area during the late 19th or 20th century. No features pre-dating the late 18th or 19th century activity on site were identified.

Due to the limited significance of the archaeological deposits encountered it is recommended that no further archaeological fieldwork be undertaken. The final decision with regard to the requirement for further archaeological fieldwork lies with Stephen Appleby, Archaeology Advisor to Southampton City Council. The results of the evaluation will be summarised for inclusion in the Hampshire Archaeology Round-up and published via the Archaeological Data Service (ADS) website. The archive will be deposited at the Seacity Museum, Southampton.

The physical archive has been deposited at Southampton City Museum with the accession/site code SOU1593.

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