
As editors, we would like to thank the two people who got us into this state in the first place: Kathryn Denning and Judith Winters, the first and second editors of assemblage. They have been a source of inspiration, support and cake, giving us space in which to do our job, whilst always being there when we needed them. Thank you both very much.

We would also like to thank the editorial team, who have sacrificed much of their free-time, imagination and sanity, and haven't complained (loudly) when we have got a teeny bit grumpy.

Special thanks go to Verity Brack at Corporate Information and Computing Services at the University of Sheffield for setting up and teaching the HTML course, Graham McElearney at the Staff Development Unit for all his patient computer wisdom and Michael Lane for his webbing guidance -- ooops, we mean HTML authoring experience; whatever his ulterior motives!

Barbara Ottaway, the Head of the Research School, has given us strong support and encouragement and we would also like to thank the many other members of staff who have done the same, especially those who have contributed to this issue.

Grateful thanks also go to everyone on our panel of anonymous reviewers -- we hope we can call on your services again.

And finally, many thanks to everyone who has contributed material for their patience and good humour during the editing process.

Go on, e-mail assemblage today!

© assemblage 1997