AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia

Alan Williams, Sean Ulm, 2014. How to cite using this DOI

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Alan Williams, Sean Ulm (2014) AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Alan Williams
Fenner School of Environment and Society
Australian National University
ACT 0200

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Alan Williams, Sean Ulm (2014) AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Records 1 - 25 of 2382

Cliefden Cave 1 Burial 6250 430 Radiocarbon ANU-4763b Pardoe & Webb, 1986
Cliefden Cave 1 Burial 7520 220 Radiocarbon ANU-4763a Pardoe & Webb, 1986
Gunbilngmurrung site (BW 4) Beeswax figures in a rockshelter 4040 80 Radiocarbon CAMS-2300 Nelson, 1995 cit. Watchman & Jones, 2002
Gunbilngmurrung site (BW 4) Beeswax figures in a rockshelter 4460 80 Radiocarbon CAMS-2301 Watchman & Jones, 2002
Gunbilngmurrung site (BW 5) Beeswax figures in a rockshelter 3820 70 Radiocarbon OZD-958 Nelson, 1995 cit. Watchman & Jones, 2002
Cliff Cave Burial 14270 640 Radiocarbon ANU-7039 Sim & Thorne, 1990; Sim, 1994
Lima South Burial Burial 550 70 Radiocarbon SUA-2177 Aboriginal Affairs Victoria cit. Godfrey et al. 1996
Blaxland Flat 1 Burial in Rockshelter 1090 60 Radiocarbon GaK-463 Kigoshi & Kobayahsi, 1965, McBryde, 1965
Blaxland Flat 2 Burial in Rockshelter 1230 50 Radiocarbon GaK-464 Kigoshi & Kobayahsi, 1965, McBryde, 1965
Springfield Gorge Burial 330 70 Radiocarbon SUA-1495 Coutts 1982 cit. Godfrey et al., 1996
Morass Mound 33 Earth mound Modern (98.1 +/- 1.2%) Radiocarbon ANU-4321 Williams, 1985 cit. Bird & Frankel, 1991
Urre (Rainbow Valley 1) Hearth 980 80 Radiocarbon Beta 16306 Smith, 1986
Curracurrang (1CU5/-) Hearth within Rockshelter 2110 90 Radiocarbon GaK-896 Kigoshi, 1967; Megaw, 1968
Worrungulumba Karst Cave with midden deposits 1170 50 Radiocarbon Wk-9209 Sim & Wallis, 2008
Worrungulumba Karst Cave with midden deposits 3238 62 Radiocarbon Wk-9210 Sim & Wallis, 2008
Worrungulumba Karst Cave with midden deposits 4131 48 Radiocarbon Wk-9211 Sim & Wallis, 2008
Flinders St (Cape Bridgewater) Midden 1638 48 Radiocarbon Wk-9606 Richards & Johnston, 2004.
Middle Head Midden 3450 90 Radiocarbon SUA-1661 Dortch et al, 1984; Moya Smith, 1999
Middle Head Midden 6290 100 Radiocarbon SUA-1660 Dortch et al, 1984; Moya Smith, 1999
MHE 8 (Merimbula Lake) Midden 2190 90 Radiocarbon ANU-5001 ANU Archaeological Consultancies, 1986a
BHW (#52-3-724) Midden Modern Radiocarbon SUA-3011 Brayshaw et al. 1992
Boat Harbour BH 1 Midden 470 60 Radiocarbon ANU-896 Dickson, 1971
Boat Harbour BH 1 Midden 1950 100 Radiocarbon ANU-895 Dickson, 1971
Open site 0 0 Radiocarbon Beta-15808 Nolan 1986
Tempe House Midden 3640 50 Radiocarbon Beta-222747 Jo McDonald Cultural Heritage Management Pty Ltd, 2006

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