Surrey Archaeological Collections

Surrey Archaeological Society, 2003. (updated 2023) How to cite using this DOI

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Surrey Archaeological Society (2023) Surrey Archaeological Collections [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Surrey Archaeological Society (2023) Surrey Archaeological Collections [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Two walh names in the fields of Kingston


Gravel-working and building in the last 150 years may have put an end to the discovery of tangible evidence of pre-Saxon settlement on Kingston Hill. It becomes all the more important to make the best use of any other available information. From the 16th century antiquaries have reported finds (often called Roman) in such terms that the sites and the associations of each are doubtful; the artefacts themselves have usually been lost from their contexts (the case of the more recent finds, mainly of the Bronze Age, is of course different). Documentary research may bring more precision to the old reports, by identifying the original or earliest surviving version, eliminating later distortions, and locating sites with lost names. Sometimes early field and minor names may be archaeologically significant, but may be difficult to place with sufficient accuracy to be useful.

The situation of Wallpits, with Coombe Road on the south, and its association with Adwell mead, leave little doubt that Wallpits and Wall Pleate are corrupted forms of Waleport. The location of Walehulle is also discussed.

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