Copyright: Manx National Heritage

Manx National Heritage




Description:  Modern watermill.

The Ordnance Survey 1:2500 First Edition mapping of 1867-8 depicts a watermill at this location, annotated 'T. Mill'.

The millpond was located just to the NW of the building, contained behind a dam on its SE side. The pond was fed by field drains running from the NW, extending c500m upslope to a spring.

The pond has been infilled, the field drain re-routed along the edge of the field, and the land returned to agriculture.

Country:  Isle of Man

County:  Middle

Parish:  Braddan

Named Location:  Colooneys

Grid Reference:   SC333759

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 233335, 475900

Period/Subject:  MODERN - MILLPOND

[ADS] Depositor Id: 2196.20
[ADS] Import RCN: MANX15-2196.20

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Manx National Heritage