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Issue 9: October 2015

Glastonbury Abbey: Archaeological Excavations

Cambridge Antiquarian Proceedings

Council for British Research in the Levant Archaeological Monographs

Aggregate extraction related archaeology in England: a survey

Devon HLC

Shropshire HLC

Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Dorset

Ipswich 1974-1990 Excavation Archive

Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions

A corpus of Anglo-Saxon Cruciform Brooches

City of York HLC

Internet Archaeology logo

Issue 40

Information Policy for (Digital) Information in Archaeology

Google Under-the-Earth: Seeing Beneath Stonehenge using Google Earth

Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements

Complexity, Compassion and Self-Organisation: Human Evolution and the Vulnerable Ape Hypothesis

A Reassessment of Archaeological Grey Literature: semantics and paradoxes

Guidelines for Authors

Data Papers

Internet Archaeology and the Archaeology Data Service are pleased to announce the winner of our 2015 Digital Data Re-use Award. The award was instigated to recognise the outstanding work being carried out through the re-use of digital data and raise awareness of the research potential of data re-use in archaeology and beyond. Find out about the winner, the finalists and the highly commended entries here!
ADS are very pleased to announce that we are now an officially recommended repository for Nature Publishing Group's open access journal Scientific Data. ADS joins approximately 80 other data repositories, representing research data from across the entire scientific spectrum. ADS has been approved by Scientific Data as providing stable archiving and long-term preservation of archaeological data....read more here!
Scientific DATA logo
ADS Digital Archivist Tim Evans reports on the latest update to the ADS Library. Over the last fortnight just under 800 new reports have been added to the library; a testament to the contributions made by those completing the forms and the validating staff at local HERs and relevant national records. In addition, the reports themselves tell us a bit about how OASIS is used, who is using it and the types of records within....read more here!
The ADS HERALD team are currently in the process of writing the project design for Stage 2 of the redevelopment of OASIS. The actual redevelopment will start next year (if funded by Historic England and Historic Environment Scotland) and a draft Project Design is now available for comment on how we have represented the opinions and information gathered during the user needs survey and interviews from Stage 1. The requirements identified in Stage 1 were many and varied and so we have tried to make the new OASIS system more flexible so it will meet more people's needs....read more here.
Structure of the new OASIS system

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Archaeology Data Service
The King's Manor
University of York