Project Reporting Data for the Queen Elizabeth Class Capital Dredge Project, Portsmouth 2015-2017

Wessex Archaeology, 2021. How to cite using this DOI

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Wessex Archaeology (2021) Project Reporting Data for the Queen Elizabeth Class Capital Dredge Project, Portsmouth 2015-2017 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Wessex Archaeology (2021) Project Reporting Data for the Queen Elizabeth Class Capital Dredge Project, Portsmouth 2015-2017 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Areas of archaeological interest in relation to dredging zones
Areas of archaeological interest in relation to dredging zones

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Boskalis Westminster Limited, dredging contractor for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation to operate an archaeological protocol for the reporting of archaeological discoveries, and to undertake the associated quayside archaeological monitoring of recovered finds, as part of the Queen Elizabeth Class Capital Dredge Project at Her Majesty's Naval Base Portsmouth. This commenced in late October 2015 continuing until June 2017.

Over 1000 objects recovered and subsequently recorded as part of the capital dredge works are summarised and compiled within the Finds Assessment report (WA ref: 111320.05). A Post-Excavation Assessment report (WA ref: 111320.06) presented recommendations regarding further finds analysis, conservation, storage, discard, deposition/acquisition and publication of the archive. Archaeological material inspected on the quayside predominantly relate to marine activities, including material accidentally or deliberately lost overboard, such as anchors, personal objects and ordnance, but also material from shipwrecks such as timbers and fittings.

The earliest datable finds comprise projectiles from the 16th century and ordnance from the 17th century. The remains of an early 19th century buoy is considered to be highly significant. The majority of finds are dated to the 20th century, with the Second World War period and late 20th century well represented. Aviation material is also represented in the assemblage comprising an aircraft engine. The Royal Navy presence in Portsmouth is represented by a variety of finds issued by the Navy, some marked with the broad arrow.

The final Archaeological report (WA ref: T23454.01) summarises previous work undertaken and assesses the contribution to the archaeological knowledge of Portsmouth, the region and wider area, to themes (such as trade and warfare), and to time periods (such as the Second World War). The project archive is to be deposited (as of June 2021 at Portsmouth Museum under the Accession ID: 2015/462, the digital submission to ADS includes the project reporting and project reporting images.

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