Images from Historic Building Survey of Withygate Farm, Devon 2019

Savills (UK) Ltd, 2021. How to cite using this DOI

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Savills (UK) Ltd (2021) Images from Historic Building Survey of Withygate Farm, Devon 2019 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Savills (UK) Ltd (2021) Images from Historic Building Survey of Withygate Farm, Devon 2019 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Historic Building Recording at Withygate Farm, Devon: View of 20th century garage block, east elevation
Historic Building Recording at Withygate Farm, Devon: View of 20th century garage block, east elevation

The collection comprises images from Historic Building Recording work undertaken January 2019 at Withygate Farm, North Molton, Devon.

This work was related to Condition 3 of planning permission from North Devon Council. None of the buildings at Withygate Farm are listed and there are no statutory designations in the Site.

The Farm comprises a Farmhouse to the south-east, a roughly square courtyard series of traditional agricultural barns (the Site) at the south-west, and a number of modern agricultural barns to the north. The image collection includes setting shots of the buildings, exterior elevations, and interiors. These interior images document internal architectural details such as beams, floors, roof structures and pillars.

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