Site Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Bickland Industrial Park, Bickland Water, Falmouth, Cornwall 2018

Cotswold Archaeology, 2022. How to cite using this DOI

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Cotswold Archaeology (2022) Site Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Bickland Industrial Park, Bickland Water, Falmouth, Cornwall 2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cotswold Archaeology (2022) Site Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Bickland Industrial Park, Bickland Water, Falmouth, Cornwall 2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


General site shot
General site shot

This collection comprises site data (GIS and Images) from an archaeological watching brief at Bickland Industrial Park, Falmouth, Cornwall ,carried out by Cotswold Archaeology In March and April 2018. The site contained five dispersed pits, a hearth and two linear features; dense concentrations of remains were absent. Two pits are dated to the Early Neolithic period (4000-3400 BC) on the basis of pottery whilst one pit and a hearth are dated to the Earliest/Early Iron Age (800-400 BC) on the basis of two radiocarbon determinations (here quoted at 95.4 per cent probability). One of the linear features was a medieval or later ditch whilst the other was an ephemeral feature, probably relating to medieval or later agriculture, although it lacked finds. Both linear features correspond with anomalies recorded during the geophysical survey, but none of the pits had produced geophysical readings. The natural geological substrate comprised pale grey5 brown/yellow clay silt with frequent siltstone inclusions. It was generally revealed at 0.45m-0.5m below the pre-development ground level and was sealed directly by the modern topsoil.

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