Creswell Heritage Area Digital Archive, 1874-2018

Rogan Jenkinson, 2023. How to cite using this DOI

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Rogan Jenkinson (2023) Creswell Heritage Area Digital Archive, 1874-2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Rogan Jenkinson (2023) Creswell Heritage Area Digital Archive, 1874-2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Location of the Jenkinson excavations, 1984
Location of the Jenkinson excavations, 1984

This collection comprises reports, images and spreadsheet data from multiple archaeological and palaeontological investigations of the Creswell Heritage Area. The purpose of this collection is to provide a comprehensive body of data used in the production of the monograph, A North-western Habitat, Paleo-ethology and Colonisation of a European Peninsula.

The archive firstly presents a series of records from the work of Magens Mello and Sir William Boyd-Dawkins, during the 19th century and the extensive studies of Albert Leslie Armstrong between 1924-59. These also include transcriptions of surviving field notes and notebooks preserved today. The archives also include preliminary results and archive from Rogan Jenkinson's excavation in 1985.

Since the original excavation there have been many studies of the cave which have demonstrated that it offers diverse and unusual archaeological and palaeontological evidence of occupation during the Quaternary.

The monograph referred to above reports a comprehensive analysis of the available evidence and suggest that Pin Hole Cave and possibly other caves within the Creswell Gorge and surrounding area may have offered resources of regional importance during the Quaternary.

The archive in this publication includes detailed descriptions and summaries of all items discovered within the cave and which survive in extant museum collections. Interpretation of the remains, particularly those discovered by Leslie Armstrong have often been controversial. The archive includes a series of detailed spreadsheets demonstrating the temporal distribution between species. Interpretation of this archive attempts to distinguish between human and carnivore taphonomic process.

Virtually all of the archives are the result of extensive research undertaken by Rogan Jenkinson between 1976-92, the results of which were only partially published at that time.

The archive creator, Rogan Jenkinson would like to acknowledge the help and assistance of the Marc Fitch Fund who have kindly grant aided the cost of publication of this monograph and its associated archive. Without their generous assistance it is unlikely that the Monograph and Creswell Archaeological and Palaeontological Inventory (CAPI) Archive would have been published.

The CAPI digital data and associated metadata was prepared for deposition with the ADS by Luke Snell and Katie Green based on information provided by Rogan Jenkinson.

Associated publication:

Jenkinson, R.D.S. (2023). A North-Western Habitat: the Paleoethology and Colonisation of a European Peninsula (a comprehensive analysis of excavations in Pin Hole Cave, Creswell Crags), Internet Archaeology 61.

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