Roman brooches in Britain: a technological and typological study based on the Richborough collection

Justine Bayley, Sarnia Butcher, 2005. How to cite using this DOI

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Justine Bayley, Sarnia Butcher (2005) Roman brooches in Britain: a technological and typological study based on the Richborough collection [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Dr Justine Bayley unless otherwise stated

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Dr Justine Bayley

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The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Justine Bayley, Sarnia Butcher (2005) Roman brooches in Britain: a technological and typological study based on the Richborough collection [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


A full discussion and analysis of this data can be found in the following book:

Bayley, Justine and Butcher, Sarnia 2004, Roman Brooches in Britain: A Technological and Typological Study based on the Richborough Collection Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 68, Society of Antiquaries of London.

The table of brooches is available as a comma delimited file (the first line of the file holds the field headings). Explanation of codes and bibliographic references can be found in the associated rich text format (.rtf) files.

Table of Roman brooches CSV
Table of Roman brooches
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
145 Kb
Table 1: Summary of all brooch analyses RTF 110kb
Table 2: M R Hull's typology of Roman brooches RTF 73kb
Table 3: Codes used to describe applied decoration RTF 7kb
Table 4: Codes used to describe enamel colours RTF 5kb
Bibliography RTF 109kb

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