King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford, Devon. Archaeological Excavation (OASIS ID: acarchae2-196268)

AC Archaeology Ltd, 2019. How to cite using this DOI

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AC Archaeology Ltd (2019) King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford, Devon. Archaeological Excavation (OASIS ID: acarchae2-196268) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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AC Archaeology Ltd (2019) King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford, Devon. Archaeological Excavation (OASIS ID: acarchae2-196268) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford, Devon. Archaeological Excavation (OASIS ID: acarchae2-196268)

A rare Neolithic ring ditch which was the focus of a pair of graves containing cremated human remains was uncovered during archaeological works at King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford. In the vicinity of the ring ditch were several pits or postholes, the finds from which indicated that they were largely contemporary with the ring ditch and graves, although a few finds including a sherd of Early Bronze Age Beaker pottery and some sherds of later Iron Age pottery indicate undefined later prehistoric use of the area. An assemblage of Peterborough ware pottery, worked flint and a radiocarbon date show that the main use of the site was during the Middle Neolithic period.

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