Roman Amphorae: a digital resource

University of Southampton, 2005. (updated 2014) How to cite using this DOI

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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Dr David Williams
Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032

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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Pascual 1

Pascual 1

Courtesy of Museu Arqueològic de Barcelona
David Peacock

Distinctive Features

This form resembles the Italian Dressel 1B. It has a high vertical rim with a cylindrical neck, an ovoid body with a solid spike and rounded handles with a distinctive vertical groove. It is often stamped on the rim or the spike with two or three letters, sometimes more (Pascual, 1977; 1991; Comas, 1997).
See characteristics

Date Range

From the second half of the first century BC to AD 79 at Pompeii (Tchernia, 1971: 52-4) or Trajanic period (Ciotola et alii, 1989), although the majority of dateable finds from north-western Europe tend to be Augustan in date (Williams, 1981).
Search: [1st century BC] [1st century AD]


Kilns producing this form are known along the Catalan coastal zone of north-eastern Spain, particularly in the Barcelona region (Miró, 1988; Revilla, 1993; 1995). It has also been claimed that this form was made in Gaul at in a wide variety of sites such as Aspiran, Montans or Corneilhan (Laubenheimer, 1989; Meffre & Meffre, 1992).
Search: [France] [North West Europe] [Spain] [Western Mediterranean]


A fairly widespread distribution in the western Roman Empire, from Spain to France, Italy, Africa, Britain and Germany (Tchernia, 1986, Remesal Rodríguez and Revilla, 1991). The Narbonne-Bordeaux route seems to have been an important means of distribution to the north-west.
Search: [France] [Germany] [Great Britain] [Italy] [North Africa] [North West Europe] [Spain]


Probably wine, as this part of Hispania Tarraconensis was famous for its wines (Tchernia, 1986).
Search: [Wine]


Principal contributor: César Carreras


Peacock & Williams 6


The following link will take you to the Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antiguedad Clásica CEIPAC database. In the CEIPAC system this amphora has the ID KE51+BYZ. Note: access to CEIPAC requires registration, which is possible via

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