Roman Amphorae: a digital resource

University of Southampton, 2005. (updated 2014) How to cite using this DOI

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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Dr David Williams
Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
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SO17 1BJ
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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Carthage Early Roman 4

Distinctive Features

An early African amphora, firstly noted by Hayes at Carthage (1976). Martin-Kilcher has demonstrated that this type represents the "Romanization" of the Punic type Cintas 312/MaƱa C2/Van der Werff 1 with handles attached on the shoulder (1999). During the middle of the first century AD, the handles migrated towards the neck, reproducing the model of the Graeco-Roman amphorae. Like its Punic and neo-Punic forerunners, this type is characterised by a widely everted rim with a horizontal lip moulded on the underside. Stretched handles are attached to the elongated cylindrical neck. The body is tall and quite perfectly cylindrical, terminating by a long and tubular hollow foot.
See characteristics

Date Range

First and beginning of the second century AD.
Search: [1st century AD] [2nd century AD]


Carthage region?
Search: [North Africa] [Tunisia]


Well represented at Carthage and a lesser extent at Ostia, with scattered finds around the western Mediterranean (Ostia): Carthage (Hayes, 1976; Vegas, 1994; Ortisi, 1999), Oudhna, Nabeul (Bonifay, 2004), Ostia (Panella, 1973), Catalunya and the south of France (Martin-Kilcher, 1999).
Search: [France] [Italy] [North Africa] [North West Europe] [Spain] [Tunisia] [Western Mediterranean]


Wine or perhaps fish-sauce (Martin-Kilcher, 1999). Oil seems to be excluded..
Search: [Fish Sauce] [Wine]


Principal contributor: Michel Bonifay


Pozzo 3

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