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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
Distinctive FeaturesThis is a small amphora, around 50 - 55 cm in height, with an ovoid body and a ring foot (no spike attested). A strap rim and short handles, with a groove. The handles join from above the rim to the shoulder (they differ from Almagro 51c, where the handles usually joint the rim lower down). A smaller variant of the type is attested, about half the capacity of the canonical type.See characteristics | ||
Date RangeMiddle of the first to late second or early third centuries AD.Search: [1st century AD] [2nd century AD] [3rd century AD] | ||
OriginDias Diogo first suggest that this could be a singular amphora type from Lusitania (Dias Diogo, 1990; 1991). He also claimed that it could be a wine amphora, based on similarities with the Gaulish ring-foot amphorae series. Fabião agreed with the suggestion (1997; 1998). Mayet et alii (1996; 1998; 2002) amongst others, claim that this is just a version of the Almagro 51c type, and so probably contained fish-salted products.In Portugal (former Lusitania) this amphora was produced at the kilns of Sado and Tejo valleys. At the kiln centre of Porto dos Cacos (Tejo valley) some stamps are known, mainly bearing the name GERMAN. Search: [North West Europe] [Portugal] | ||
DistributionIn several areas of modern Portugal, while two stamped sherds are known from southern Spain: Mulva (Fabião, forthcoming) and Algeciras (Bernal Casasola, 2000).Search: [North West Europe] [Portugal] [Spain] [Western Mediterranean] | ||
ContentsWine or fish-salted products have been suggested.Search: [Fish-based products] [Wine] | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributor: Carlos Fabião |