Sitch Farm, Wormhill, Derbyshire: Archaeological Evaluation (OASIS ID: archaeol5-331632)

James Danter, 2019. How to cite using this DOI

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James Danter (2019) Sitch Farm, Wormhill, Derbyshire: Archaeological Evaluation (OASIS ID: archaeol5-331632) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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James Danter (2019) Sitch Farm, Wormhill, Derbyshire: Archaeological Evaluation (OASIS ID: archaeol5-331632) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Sitch Farm, Wormhill, Derbyshire: Archaeological Evaluation (OASIS ID: archaeol5-331632)

Archaeological Research Services Ltd was commissioned by Mr Nigel Moseley to undertake an archaeological evaluation in the form of test pitting at Sitch Farm, Wormhill, Derbyshire. A planning application for the erection of a steel framed agricultural building to provide cover for a midden area at Sitch Farm was originally submitted in 2016, but later withdrawn. The archaeological evaluation was undertaken as part of the preparations to re-submit the planning application. The test pits were situated at the north-east edge of a known Neolithic settlement site, which is characterised by a dense scatter of flint and chert implements.

The works reported in here were undertaken between the 17th and 21st September 2018 by James Danter and Caitlin Tilt, Archaeological Officers for ARS Ltd. The project was managed by Adam Lodoen, Project Manager for ARS Ltd.

A total of 10 test pits were excavated as part of the evaluation. During the excavation a single, modern, pit was encountered which contained an assemblage of sheep bones and modern string. A total of 17 flint artefacts were recovered dating to two distinct periods: the Late Mesolithic, and the late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age. These two separate periods of deposition imply that the site was in use in the Mesolithic period and then the late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age period. The artefacts were not in situ and so do not represent primary deposition but are more likely to have washed down from higher ground and imply that the focus of occupation or activity was elsewhere.

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