Defence of Britain Archive

Council for British Archaeology, 2002. (updated 2006) How to cite using this DOI

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Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Council for British Archaeology (2006) Defence of Britain Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Council for British Archaeology unless otherwise stated

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Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Council for British Archaeology (2006) Defence of Britain Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Defence of Britain - Thesaurus

This thesaurus contains all the site types used in the Anti invasion database. They are arranged hierarchically. If you select a term which contains sub-terms you will receive results including the sub-terms as well.

Use the Minus button and Plus button to expand and contract the list of thesaurus terms below. Then click on the 'use this term' link to add it to the search form.

expand tree  AIRFIELD  Use this term
collapse tree  DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
    expand tree  AIRFIELD DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
    collapse tree  COASTAL DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
       blue spot  BEACH DEFENCE LIGHT Use this term
       expand tree  COASTAL OBSERVATION POST  Use this term
       expand tree  ANTI BOAT LANDING OBSTACLE  Use this term
       expand tree  MINEFIELD  Use this term
       blue spot  SUBMARINE MINE ESTABLISHMENT Use this term
       expand tree  SEA BARRIER  Use this term
       blue spot  TORPEDO STATION Use this term
       blue spot  FIELD GUN BATTERY Use this term
       blue spot  COAST ARTILLERY SEARCHLIGHT Use this term
       expand tree  COASTAL BATTERY  Use this term
       blue spot  SEA FORT Use this term
    expand tree  EARLY WARNING SITE  Use this term
    expand tree  ANCILLARY BUILDING  Use this term
    expand tree  AIR DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
    blue spot  DEFENCE WORK Use this term
    collapse tree  ANTI INVASION DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
       blue spot  BARBED WIRE ENTANGLEMENT Use this term
       blue spot  LYON LIGHT EMPLACEMENT Use this term
       blue spot  ROADBLOCK Use this term
       expand tree  ROADBLOCK  Use this term
       blue spot  CENTRE OF RESISTANCE Use this term
       expand tree  OBSERVATION POST  Use this term
       expand tree  ANTI TANK OBSTACLE  Use this term
       expand tree  FIELDWORK  Use this term
       expand tree  GUN EMPLACEMENT  Use this term
       blue spot  BUNKER Use this term
       expand tree  DEMOLITION CHARGE SITE  Use this term
       expand tree  PILLBOX  Use this term
       blue spot  ANTI TANK ISLAND Use this term
       blue spot  VULNERABLE DEFILE Use this term
       expand tree  ANTI LANDING OBSTACLE  Use this term
       blue spot  RAILBLOCK Use this term
       expand tree  NODAL POINT  Use this term
       expand tree  AUXILIARY UNIT SITE  Use this term
       expand tree  ANTI BOAT LANDING OBSTACLE  Use this term
       expand tree  DEFENDED LOCALITY  Use this term
       blue spot  ARMY BATTLE HEADQUARTERS Use this term
       blue spot  DEEP SHELTER Use this term
       expand tree  PETROLEUM WARFARE SITE  Use this term
       blue spot  VULNERABLE POINT Use this term
       expand tree  SPIGOT MORTAR EMPLACEMENT  Use this term
       blue spot  FIELD GUN BATTERY Use this term
    expand tree  WEAPON TESTING FACILITY  Use this term
    collapse tree  CIVIL DEFENCE SITE  Use this term
       blue spot  AIR RAID SHELTER Use this term
       expand tree  CIVIL DEFENCE BUILDING  Use this term
       expand tree  ROYAL OBSERVER CORPS SITE  Use this term
       blue spot  NUCLEAR BUNKER Use this term
       blue spot  FUEL STORAGE SITE Use this term
blue spot  ORDNANCE DEPOT Use this term
blue spot  PRACTICE TRENCH SYSTEM Use this term
blue spot  AIRCRAFT CRASH SITE Use this term
blue spot  PRISONER 0F WAR CAMP Use this term
expand tree  ARMY CAMP  Use this term
collapse tree  EMBARKATION HARD  Use this term
    blue spot  BOAT MOORING Use this term

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