England's Historic Seascapes: Liverpool Bay Pilot Area

Wessex Archaeology, 2006. https://doi.org/10.5284/1000010. How to cite using this DOI

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Wessex Archaeology (2006) England's Historic Seascapes: Liverpool Bay Pilot Area [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000010

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Wessex Archaeology (2006) England's Historic Seascapes: Liverpool Bay Pilot Area [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000010


The content of the web-pages below are the result of an English Heritage initiative to preserve and disseminate the results of the full scope of work undertaken under the Seascapes ALSF grant. Data copyright for all material presented on these pages is retained by Wessex Archaeology and English Heritage.

The England's Historic Seascapes Programme seeks to apply the principles of HLC to the inter-tidal and marine environment up to the limit of UK Controlled Waters. Wessex Archaeology undertook the Programme's initial pilot project in Liverpool Bay in 2004-2006. The project was commissioned by English Heritage primarily to improve our understanding of the historic cultural processes and activities that have shaped the seabed and intertidal zones that we see today.

As the coast and seabed of England is subject to increasing development pressure, central government has expressed the need to develop marine spatial planning to ensure sustainable development. Historic Seascapes Characterisation is a tool for providing readily assimilated data to those who require an understanding of the intertidal and marine zone's historic environment to assist in the development of management priorities.

The pilot area for England's Historic Seascapes stretched from the Dee Estuary in the south to Rossall Point in the north, and includes Liverpool Bay as far offshore as the limit of territorial waters at 12 nautical miles. The area includes submerged prehistoric landscapes overlain with later Holocene deposits, and over 2400 documented shipwrecks.

The analysis of various attributes has led to the study area has being divided into the 44 character areas.

This project was by the Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund distributed by English Heritage.

Copyright Information

Derived from 1:250,000 scale BGS Digital Data under licence No. 2004/167.
British Geological Survey © NERC

This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrographic Office with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office and UK Hydrographic Office www.ukho.gov.uk

© British Crown and SeaZone Solutions Ltd, 2004. All rights reserved. Data Licence No. 122004.007.

Digital Map Data © (2004) XYZ Digital Map Company.

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