Cathedral Close St Mary Major, Exeter 1971-1976 (Exeter archive site 40)

Exeter City Council, Cotswold Archaeology, 2015. How to cite using this DOI

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Exeter City Council, Cotswold Archaeology (2015) Cathedral Close St Mary Major, Exeter 1971-1976 (Exeter archive site 40) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Andrew Pye
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Exeter City Council
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Tel: 01392 265 224

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Exeter City Council, Cotswold Archaeology (2015) Cathedral Close St Mary Major, Exeter 1971-1976 (Exeter archive site 40) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cathedral Close St Mary Major, Exeter 1971-1976 (Exeter archive site 40)

This dataset is part of a wider project to disseminate the consolidated archive derived from excavations carried out in Exeter by Exeter Archaeology.

The collection comprises information from the 63 principal sites investigated between 1970 and 1990 as well as reports concerning the city walls and fortress sites as well as annual reports and reports to the Exeter Archaeology Advisory Committee. Information pertaining to the Exeter Archaeology Archive Project as a whole and the list of sites involved can be found by clicking the 'Exeter Archaeology Archive Project' link in the left-hand column

The archive for the excavations at Cathedral Close, St Mary Major 1971-1976 contains the following files:

  • Reports
    • There are 8 documents available: report 98.88: the Preliminary Human Remains Study, finds listing, C14 dates, archive index and summary of the excavations. Further information can be found in the associated publications by following the links from the 'Metadata' page.
  • Images
    • There are 3 images available comprising 1 photo and 2 plans.
  • Spreadsheets
    • There is one spreadsheet containing burial data.

All of these files are available from the 'Downloads' page.

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