Number 1 Poultry (ONE 94)

Museum of London Archaeology, 2013. How to cite using this DOI

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Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Museum of London Archaeology (2013) Number 1 Poultry (ONE 94) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Museum of London Archaeology unless otherwise stated

This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Creative Commons License

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Primary contact

Julian Hill
Post-Excavation Project Manager
Museum of London Archaeology
Mortimer Wheeler House
46 Eagle Wharf Road
N1 7ED
Tel: 020 7410 2254

Send e-mail enquiry

Resource identifiers

Digital Object Identifiers

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent identifiers which can be used to consistently and accurately reference digital objects and/or content. The DOIs provide a way for the ADS resources to be cited in a similar fashion to traditional scholarly materials. More information on DOIs at the ADS can be found on our help page.

Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Museum of London Archaeology (2013) Number 1 Poultry (ONE 94) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


The downloads are split into separate sections for each site (see overview for details). Please note that each site has separate file metadata, however conventions and codes for CAD and spreadsheet files are common to all sites and are presented as overarching metadata below. The concordance document gives further details of the relationships between ONE94 and the satelite sites.

Concordance document PDF 623 Kb
MoLA CAD layer conventions PDF 78 Kb
Spreadsheet conventions CSV
Spreadsheet conventions
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
40 Kb

ONE94 | BOL94 | BUC87 | CID90 | DOC87 | LOM88 | BRD88 | KNG85 | LHY88 | SON85 | MHO92 | PLY87

CID90 (72-5 Cheapside)

File Metadata CID90 TXT
File Metadata CID90
File Metadata CID90
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1 Kb

Spreadsheet files

CID90 biblio01 CSV
CID90 biblio01
CID90 biblio01
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1 Kb
CID90 iaa01 CSV
CID90 iaa01
CID90 iaa01
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254 Kb
CID90 prpotdata01 CSV
CID90 prpotdata01
CID90 prpotdata01
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1 Kb
CID90 prpotdata02 CSV
CID90 prpotdata02
CID90 prpotdata02
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1 Kb
CID90 rpotdata01 CSV
CID90 rpotdata01
CID90 rpotdata01
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
300 Kb
CID90 rpotdata02 CSV
CID90 rpotdata02
CID90 rpotdata02
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
22 Kb

GIS Shapefiles

Zipped Shapefiles files
thumbnail of CID90 av019 ZIP 271 Kb
thumbnail of CID90 av020 ZIP 13 Kb


Hammerson, M. 1992: Cheapside coin update PDF 290 Kb
Tyers, I. and Hibberd, H. 1991: Report on dendrochronological spot dates PDF 54 Kb
Anon, Undated: Post-Roman pottery assessment PDF 187 Kb

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