The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource

Martyn Allen, Nathan Blick, Tom Brindle, Tim Evans, Michael Fulford, Neil Holbrook, Lisa Lodwick, Julian D Richards, Alex Smith, 2015. (updated 2018) How to cite using this DOI

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Martyn Allen, Nathan Blick, Tom Brindle, Tim Evans, Michael Fulford, Neil Holbrook, Lisa Lodwick, Julian D Richards, Alex Smith (2018) The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Primary contact

Prof Michael Fulford
Professor of Archaeology
School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science
University of Reading
PO Box 218
Tel: 0118 3788048

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Martyn Allen, Nathan Blick, Tom Brindle, Tim Evans, Michael Fulford, Neil Holbrook, Lisa Lodwick, Julian D Richards, Alex Smith (2018) The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource

Location World regionBritish Isles and Ireland
British Isles countryEngland
British Isles countryWales
TGNWorld, Europe, Great Britain [7008653]
TGNWorld, Roman Republic and Empire, Britannia [7030316]
Grid reference Latitude longitude
bounding box
-5.93 1.77
Subject Library of Congress Subject HeadingsArchaeology
Monument Type (England)SETTLEMENT
Monument Type (England)Stone Circle
Monument Type ClassINDUSTRIAL
Monument Type ClassDOMESTIC
Period Period (England)LATE IRON AGE
Period (England)ROMAN
Period (Wales)LATE IRON AGE
Period (Wales)ROMAN
Project dates Created From02-APR-2012
Created To31-MAR-2015
First Released13-APR-2015
Last Modified05-DEC-2016
Identifiers HE Project Number6427
Related information Associated CollectionAssessing The Research Potential of Grey Literature in the study of Roman England
Associated PublicationAllen, M., Lodwick, L.,Brindle, T., Fulford, M. and Smith A. (2017) The Rural Economy of Roman Britain: New Visions of the Countryside of Roman Britain Volume 2. Roman Society Publications - Britannia Monographs Volume: 30.
Associated PublicationSmith, A., Allen, M., Brindle, T. and Fulford, M. (2016) The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain. Roman Society Publications - Britannia Monographs Volume: 29 . ISBN:9780907764434
Associated PublicationSmith, A., Allen, M., Brindle, T., Fulford, M., Lodwick, L. and Rohnbogner, A. (2018) Life and Death in the Countryside of Roman Britain, New Visions of the Countryside of Roman Britain Vol. 3, Britannia Monograph Series 31
Data types available Image4790 objects
Spreadsheet26 objects
Text1996 objects
3 objects

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