Sheffield Castle 1927-2018

John Moreland, Dawn Hadley, 2020. How to cite using this DOI

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John Moreland, Dawn Hadley (2020) Sheffield Castle 1927-2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Prof John Moreland, Museums Sheffield, Prof Dawn Hadley unless otherwise stated

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Prof Dawn Hadley
University of York
King's Manor
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John Moreland, Dawn Hadley (2020) Sheffield Castle 1927-2018 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Archaeological Research and Consultancy at the University of Sheffield: ARCUS logo
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Construction work at Sheffield Castle
Construction workers digging a foundation trench next to the remains of the gatehouse of Sheffield Castle in the late 1950s (Museums Sheffield).

The archive largely comprises the documents, maps, plans and photographs curated by Museums Sheffield from the campaigns of archaeological recording undertaken between 1927 and 1930 and in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is structured according to the filing system of the Museums Sheffield archive, organised by drawer and cupboard. Highlights of the archive include:


New analyses of the artefactual record recovered in the late 1920s, late 1950s and 1960s were undertaken for this project and the ensuing reports are also included in this archive:

  1. Mepham, L. 2017. Miscellaneous finds from Sheffield Castle
  2. Mould, Q. 2017. The leather from Sheffield Castle
  3. Cumberpatch, C. G. 2017. Pottery from excavations by A. L. Armstrong and L. H. Butcher on the site of Sheffield Castle
  4. Young, J. 2018. The shell-tempered pottery from Sheffield Castle

We have also deposited reports on work undertaken on the site of Sheffield Castle and on the related archive by ARCUS (Archaeological Research and Consultancy at the University of Sheffield) between 1998 and 2002:

  1. Belford, P. 1998. An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of the Sheffield Markets Site, Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Report 413. Sheffield: ARCUS
  2. Davies, G. 2000. An Archaeological Evaluation Sheffield Markets: phase 1b trial trenching of Sheffield Castle, Castlegate, Sheffield. Report 413c. Sheffield: ARCUS
  3. Davies, G. and Symonds, J. 2002. Archaeological Evaluation of the Upper Loading Bay, Castle Market Sheffield. Report 413h. Sheffield: ARCUS
  4. Davies, G. and Willmott, H. 2002. Excavation and Research at Sheffield Castle 1927–1960: an assessment and project design. Sheffield: ARCUS
  5. McCoy, M., Stenton, M. 2009. Sheffield Castle, Sheffield. Archive Scoping Review. Sheffield: ARCUS.


The archive from the archaeological recording undertaken in the mid-20th century was digitised by Ashley Tuck with the assistance of Alix Sperr (Wessex Archaeology), Dr Gareth Dean (University of Sheffield) and Martha Lawrence (Museums Sheffield). It was funded by a bequest left to the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield by alumna, Pam Staunton. We would also like to thank Prof. Vanessa Toulmin (Director of City and Cultural Engagement, University of Sheffield) for providing funding to secure access time to the Museums Sheffield collections. We are grateful to Dr Chris Cumberpatch, Jane Young, Lorraine Mepham and Quita Mould for their analyses of the finds from these excavations, for which additional funding was provided by the Society for Medieval Archaeology. Jayne Burland and Kathryn Goulding assisted with editorial checks on the archive. We are grateful to Museums Sheffield for permission to create this archive, especially Kim Streets and Leigh-Anne Baldridge. The University of Sheffield gave permission for the ARCUS reports to be included in the archive.

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