St Anne's Catholic School, 3 Rockstone Place, Southampton, Hampshire. Historic Building Recording and Watching Brief. (SOU1797)

Cotswold Archaeology, 2019. How to cite using this DOI

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Cotswold Archaeology (2019) St Anne's Catholic School, 3 Rockstone Place, Southampton, Hampshire. Historic Building Recording and Watching Brief. (SOU1797) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cotswold Archaeology (2019) St Anne's Catholic School, 3 Rockstone Place, Southampton, Hampshire. Historic Building Recording and Watching Brief. (SOU1797) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


General view as seen from the junction with Carlton Crescent
General view as seen from the junction with Carlton Crescent

Cotswold Archaeology was commissioned by Kendall Kingscott to undertake a historic building recording of St Anne’s Catholic School, 3 Rockstone Place, Southampton, Hampshire prior to repair works to the building and a watching brief during the initial phase of works. The building dates to the 1830s and was initially constructed as a residential property as part of a group of three terrace dwellings.

The building has four split level storeys with a basement and has since become part of the adjacent St Anne’s Catholic School, where it functioned as classrooms and offices. Following the adaptation of the building for continued school use, it has suffered from damp which has caused extensive damage in two areas of the building at each floor.

Prior to the start of consented renovation works, a Level 2 historic building recording was undertaken to record the building in its extant form. This was followed by a watching brief during the initial renovation works, comprising the removal of plaster, ceilings and floor boards from areas of damage. This work was carried out to allow for the treatment of damp and mould, in addition to replacing rotted timber elements, including lintels and floor/ceiling joists.

Due to the localised areas of work, few features were revealed, including blocked openings in the basement and a cast iron fireplace still in situ.

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