Souskiou-Laona Excavation Project

Diane Bolger, Lindy Crewe, Paul Croft, Matthew Dalton, John Dixon, Agata Dobosz, Elizabeth Goring, Timothy Kinnaird, Kirsi Lorentz, Carole McCartney, Romesh Palamakumbura, Charalambos Paraskeva, Edgar Peltenburg, Janet Ridout-Sharpe, 2019. How to cite using this DOI

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Diane Bolger, Lindy Crewe, Paul Croft, Matthew Dalton, John Dixon, Agata Dobosz, Elizabeth Goring, Timothy Kinnaird, Kirsi Lorentz, Carole McCartney, Romesh Palamakumbura, Charalambos Paraskeva, Edgar Peltenburg, Janet Ridout-Sharpe (2019) Souskiou-Laona Excavation Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Diane Bolger, Lindy Crewe, Paul Croft, Matthew Dalton, John Dixon, Agata Dobosz, Elizabeth Goring, Timothy Kinnaird, Kirsi Lorentz, Carole McCartney, Romesh Palamakumbura, Charalambos Paraskeva, Edgar Peltenburg, Janet Ridout-Sharpe unless otherwise stated

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Diane Bolger, Lindy Crewe, Paul Croft, Matthew Dalton, John Dixon, Agata Dobosz, Elizabeth Goring, Timothy Kinnaird, Kirsi Lorentz, Carole McCartney, Romesh Palamakumbura, Charalambos Paraskeva, Edgar Peltenburg, Janet Ridout-Sharpe (2019) Souskiou-Laona Excavation Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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