Data copyright © Framework Archaeology unless otherwise stated
This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park
Tel: 01722 326867
Fax: 01722 337562
Images | GIS | Stratigraphic | Finds | Environmental | Reports | Survey Data
Finds data is presented in two ways, Summary Data and Specialist Data.
The file Finds represents a complete listing of the finds and includes a summary of the specialist provided identifications for the classes of material requiring specialist identifications. Earlier identifications of the specialist identified objects have therefore been removed from this file and replaced with the specialist's identification.
Since the data in Finds represents a summary of specialist examined material more detailed observations about some objects can be found in the Specialist Data sections. For example Finds does not record any information concerning butchery practices observed on animal bones. These records can be found in the individual specialist databases.
Finds | CSV | 5.83 Mb |
Finds - FieldDescriptions | CSV | 2 Kb |
Finds Metadata | TXT | 4 Kb |
These tables are from the Animal Bone specialist's own database and contains the animal bone identifications made by the specialist. This data is the source for the element and species identifications included with the Publication archive.
Entity Relationship Diagram | PNG | 27 Kb |
PSH02 TEC05 AB FieldDescriptions | CSV | 10 Kb |
lut BoneElements | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut BonePos | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Burning | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut ButcheryType | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Calculus | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Condition | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut FractureType | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut FusionStatus | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Gnawing | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut GnawingType | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Implement | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Modification | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Side | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Species | CSV | 1 Kb |
lut Tooth | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl AnimalBone | CSV | 36 Kb |
tbl BoneBurning | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl BoneButchery | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl BoneFracture | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl BoneGnawing | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl BoneJoint | CSV | 1 Kb |
tbl BoneMeasurement | CSV | 8 Kb |
tbl BoneModification | CSV | 4 Kb |
tbl BoneTeeth | CSV | 2 Kb |
tbl BoneZone | CSV | 45 Kb |
WPR98 Field Descriptions | TXT | 3 Kb |
Entity Relationship Diagram | PNG | 14 Kb |
tblAnimalBoneData | CSV | 36 Kb |
tblButchery | CSV | 1 Kb |
tblMeasurements | CSV | 1 Kb |
tblToothwear | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpButchery | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpComments | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpElements | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpFragment | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpFusion | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpMeasurements | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpToothType | CSV | 1 Kb |
tlkpWear | CSV | 6 Kb |
Coins Data Dictionary | TXT | 1 Kb |
ConditionCodes | CSV | 1 Kb |
PSH02Coins | CSV | 25 Kb |
Pottery documentation | TXT | 1 Kb |
Entity Relationship Diagram | PNG | 24 Kb |
SpecialistPottery | CSV | 1.63 Mb |
SpecialistPotteryDecoration | CSV | 143 Kb |
SpecialistPotteryDecorationFieldDescriptions | CSV | 1 Kb |
SpecialistPotteryFieldDescriptions | CSV | 4 Kb |
Worked Wood Data Dictionary | TXT | 3 Kb |
PSH02 | CSV | 50 Kb |
PSH02 TwinRivers Areas 61i 58 61 | CSV | 9 Kb |
WPR98 | CSV | 55 Kb |
Worked Flint Documentation | TXT | 1 Kb |
WorkedFlint | CSV | 2.90 Mb |
WorkedFlintFieldDescriptions | CSV | 4 Kb |