Thurnham Villa, Kent - Integrated Site Report

Oxford Archaeology (South), 2009. (updated 2017) How to cite using this DOI

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Oxford Archaeology (South) (2017) Thurnham Villa, Kent - Integrated Site Report [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Stuart Foreman
Senior Project Manager
Oxford Archaeology (South)
Janus House
Osney Mead
Tel: 01865 263800
Fax: 01865 793496

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Oxford Archaeology (South) (2017) Thurnham Villa, Kent - Integrated Site Report [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Reports | Images | Database | CAD (Vector graphics) | GIS | Post-Excavation Assessment (Superceded) |


The following reports are available in the Library of Unpublished Fieldwork Reports and can be accessed using the 'Go to report' links below.

Booth, P; Lawrence, S (2006) The Iron Age settlement and Roman Villa at Thurnham, Kent. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Joint Venture:Oxford. DOI: Go to report

The following documents are also part of the archive.

PDF 11 Mb
PDF 2 Mb
Figure 1: Site location and geological background
PDF 1 Mb
Figure 2: Site location overlain onto 1st Edition OS map
PDF 868 Kb
Figure 3: Overall phase plan
PDF 924 Kb
Figure 4: Major Late Iron Age and Roman features
PDF 153 Kb
Figure 5: Prehistoric period plan
PDF 63 Kb
Figure 6: Middle Bronze Age waterhole 10288, section and metalwork from fill 10294
PDF 88 Kb
Figure 7: Hockers Lane Late Pre-Roman Iron Age period plan and sections
PDF 78 Kb
Figure 8: Selected Late Iron Age pottery
PDF 55 Kb
Figure 9: Hockers Lane Late Pre-Roman Iron Age period plan, sections and pottery
PDF 80 Kb
Figure 10: Late Pre-Roman Iron Age and conquest plan
PDF 100 Kb
Figure 11: Enclosure ditch 11470, sections and selected pottery
PDF 101 Kb
Figure 12: Enclosure ditches 10840 and 12585, section and selected pottery
PDF 111 Kb
Figure 13: Circular structures 11600 and 12500, and four-post structures 12450 and 12710
PDF 120 Kb
Figure 14: 1st century brooches
PDF 805 Kb
Figure 15: Early Roman period plan
PDF 130 Kb
Figure 16: Detailed plan of entrance 12560
PDF 151 Kb
Figure 17: Selected pottery from ditch 10660
PDF 52 Kb
Figure 18: The proto-villa building and contemporary features
PDF 126 Kb
Figure 19: Sections across ditch 20400
PDF 114 Kb
Figure 20: Find from ditch 20400
PDF 649 Kb
Figure 21: The temple building 12720
PDF 270 Kb
Figure 22: Sections across the temple construction levels and associated boundaries
PDF 251 Kb
Figure 23: Sections across the temple construction levels and associated boundaries
PDF 152 Kb
Figure 24: Standing post group 10700, plan and sections
PDF 133 Kb
Figure 25: Middle Roman period (phase 1) plan AD 120-150
PDF 169 Kb
Figure 26: The villa building 20510, plan and foundation sections
PDF 249 Kb
Figure 27: Detailed plan and sections of villa building 20510
PDF 326 Kb
Figure 28: The aisled building 15000, plan and profiles along the post rows
PDF 180 Kb
Figure 29: Detailed post sections from building 15000
PDF 318 Kb
Figure 30: Trackway 12685 sections
PDF 117 Kb
Figure 31: Wayside shrine 10750, plan and associated finds
PDF 330 Kb
Figure 32: Middle Roman period (phase 2) plan c. AD 150-250
PDF 117 Kb
Figure 33: Middle Roman period (phase 2) plan c. AD 150-250
PDF 86 Kb
Figure 34: Entrance structure 10950
PDF 102 Kb
Figure 35: Ditch 10610 and post row 10580, section and selected finds
PDF 81 Kb
Figure 36: In site broken pottery vessels within ditch 10610
PDF 82 Kb
Figure 37: Late 2nd century additions to the villa building, bath house range 20515 and extension 20160
PDF 117 Kb
Figure 38: Pit and foundation structure 12735
PDF 133 Kb
Figure 39: Posthole structure 15120 and oven 15280
PDF 90 Kb
Figure 40: Pottery from the occupation levels of the aisled building room 15290
PDF 70 Kb
Figure 41: Small finds from the occupation levels of the aisled building room 15290
PDF 349 Kb
Figure 42: Middle 1st century pottery recovered from the backfill levels of ditch 12545
PDF 77 Kb
Figure 43: 14-post building 11250
PDF 352 Kb
Figure 44: 14-post building 11250, sections
PDF 240 Kb
Figure 45: Well 11010, plan of the timber box frame and stone shaft construction
PDF 88 Kb
Figure 46: Well 11010, box frame timbers
PDF 71 Kb
Figure 47: Votive pit 10570, plan and sections
PDF 89 Kb
Figure 48: Votive put 10570, artefact 'offerings'
PDF 95 Kb
Figure 49: Late Roman period plan AD 250-420
PDF 115 Kb
Figure 50: Late Roman period plan AD 250-420
PDF 116 Kb
Figure 51: Smithy 20000 (Room F)
PDF 223 Kb
Figure 52: Oven 20036 and associated late Roman pottery
PDF 106 Kb
Figure 53: Infant burial 10640
PDF 157 Kb
Figure 54: Corn drier 10340, its contemporary surroundings and late Roman pottery from 11030
PDF 155 Kb
Figure 55: Well 11010, section
PDF 117 Kb
Figure 56: Early medieval period plan
PDF 79 Kb
Figure 57: Moat ditch 12600 section and selected medieval finds
PDF 242 Kb
Figure 58: OS 1st Edition 6" map 1869-1870
PDF 406 Kb
Figure 59: Post medieval period plan
PDF 127 Kb
Figure 60: Ditch and bank earthworks within Honeyhills Wood
PDF 69 Kb
Plate 1: General View of the site topography and Plate 2: Aerial view of the villa building cropmarks
PDF 156 Kb
Plate 3 and 4: In situ remains of the proto villa core structure
PDF 248 Kb
Plate 5: The temple building (view to southwest)
PDF 258 Kb
Plate 6: Interior surface 11451 of the temple cella with the central pit (11663) visible with its stone infill/pad
PDF 131 Kb
Plate 7: The villa building (view to southwest)
PDF 223 Kb
Plate 8: The villa foundation construction
PDF 160 Kb
Plate 9: The aisled building (view to the southeast)
PDF 193 Kb
Plate 10: Posthole 15192 and Plate 11: Foundation 12735 showing the in situ chalk blocks
PDF 270 Kb
Plate 12: Over 15280 and Plate 13: The in situ timber box frame of well 11010
PDF 235 Kb
Plate 14: The quern stone and large block of Greensand in situ within pit 10570
PDF 135 Kb
Plate 15: The corn drier structure 10340 and Plate 16: The stone shaft of well 11010
PDF 227 Kb
Plate 17: Aerial view of the Corbier Hall building cropmarks (north to the bottom)
PDF 115 Kb
Integrated Site Report backcover
PDF 90 Kb
Integrated Site Report cover
PDF 162 Kb

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