Trypillia mega-sites of the Ukraine

J C Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Marco Nebbia, Andrew Millard, Bruce Albert, Duncan Hale, Mark Woolston-Houshold, Stuart Johnston, Edward Caswell, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Tuuka Kaikkonen, Joe Roe, Adrian Boyce, Oliver Craig, David C Orton, Kate Hosking, G Rainsford-Betts, James Nottingham, Dan Miller, Sophia Arbeiter, Natalia Shevchenko, Galina Pashkevytch, Vitalii Rud, Mykhailo Videiko, Natalia Burdo, Konstantin Krementski, GEOINFORM Ukrainii, 2018. How to cite using this DOI

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J C Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Marco Nebbia, Andrew Millard, Bruce Albert, Duncan Hale, Mark Woolston-Houshold, Stuart Johnston, Edward Caswell, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Tuuka Kaikkonen, Joe Roe, Adrian Boyce, Oliver Craig, David C Orton, Kate Hosking, G Rainsford-Betts, James Nottingham, Dan Miller, Sophia Arbeiter, Natalia Shevchenko, Galina Pashkevytch, Vitalii Rud, Mykhailo Videiko, Natalia Burdo, Konstantin Krementski, GEOINFORM Ukrainii (2018) Trypillia mega-sites of the Ukraine [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Emeritus Prof J C Chapman, Dr Bisserka Gaydarska, Dr Marco Nebbia, Dr Andrew Millard, Dr Bruce Albert, Duncan Hale, Mark Woolston-Houshold, Stuart Johnston, Edward Caswell, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Tuuka Kaikkonen, Joe Roe, Prof Adrian Boyce, Dr Oliver Craig, Dr David C Orton, Kate Hosking, G Rainsford-Betts, James Nottingham, Dan Miller, Sophia Arbeiter, Natalia Shevchenko, Galina Pashkevytch, Vitalii Rud, Mykhailo Videiko, Natalia Burdo, Konstantin Krementski, GEOINFORM Ukrainii unless otherwise stated

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Emeritus Prof J C Chapman
Reader in Archaeology
Department of Archaeology
Durham University
South Road
Tel: 0191 378 0641

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J C Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Marco Nebbia, Andrew Millard, Bruce Albert, Duncan Hale, Mark Woolston-Houshold, Stuart Johnston, Edward Caswell, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Tuuka Kaikkonen, Joe Roe, Adrian Boyce, Oliver Craig, David C Orton, Kate Hosking, G Rainsford-Betts, James Nottingham, Dan Miller, Sophia Arbeiter, Natalia Shevchenko, Galina Pashkevytch, Vitalii Rud, Mykhailo Videiko, Natalia Burdo, Konstantin Krementski, GEOINFORM Ukrainii (2018) Trypillia mega-sites of the Ukraine [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Trypillia mega-sites of the Ukraine

Location World regionContinental Europe
Non British Isles countryUkraine
TGNWorld, Europe, Ukraine, Kirovohrads'ka Oblast', Kirovograd [7011570]
TGNWorld, Europe, Ukraine, Kirovohrads'ka Oblast' [7011662]
Grid reference Latitude Longitude48.649722 30.560554
Grid reference Latitude longitude
bounding box
30.570554 30.550554
Subject Archaeological Sciences (England)RADIOCARBON DATING
Event Type (England)EXCAVATION
Event Type (England)CORE SAMPLING
Event Type (England)REMOTE SENSING
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)BRICK
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)Animal Bone
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)ANIMAL REMAINS
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)TILE
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)SLAG
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)SHERD
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)POT
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)PLANT REMAINS
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)LITHIC IMPLEMENT
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)GRINDSTONE
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)FIGURINE
FISH Archaeological Objects (England)DAUB
Library of Congress Subject HeadingsExcavations (Archaeology)--Ukraine
Library of Congress Subject HeadingsCucuteni-Trypillia culture
Library of Congress Subject HeadingsArchaeology
Monument Type (England)BARROW
Monument Type (England)ARTEFACT SCATTER
Monument Type (England)DITCH
Monument Type (England)ENCLOSED SETTLEMENT
Monument Type (England)Cooking Place
Monument Type (England)FEATURE
Monument Type (England)PALAEOCHANNEL
Monument Type (England)PIT
OtherClay-constructed house features
OtherBox trenching
OtherDigitised plans and sections
OtherGold ornament
Period Non-UKChalcolithic
NoneBronze Age
NoneIron Age
NoneLate Neolithic
Project dates Created From01-JUN-2009
Created To31-MAR-2018
First Released12-AUG-2019
Related information Associated CollectionAMS samples successfully dated: University of Oxford RLAHA (Professor T. Higham)
Associated CollectionBotanical samples from flotation (Nebelivka 2012 - 3 excavations: Dr. G. Pashkevytch, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Associated CollectionEnvironmental samples and AMS samples (Nebelivka 2012 - 2014 excavations): Durham University Dept. of Archaeology (Professor J. Chapman)
Associated CollectionLipid samples from miniature vessels and other pottery (Nebelivka 2012 - 2014 excavations): University of York Dept. of Archaeology (Professor O. Craig)
Associated CollectionMicro-morphological slides, Nebelivka 2013 excavations: UCL - Institute of Archaeology (Dr. M. Arroyo-Kalin)
Associated CollectionNebelivka archaeological finds (pottery, daub, lithics, single finds and animal bones from 2009, 2012 - 2014 excavations and fieldwork), Store (Fond) of Institute of Archaeology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
Associated CollectionNebelivka archaeological finds (refitted pottery, miniature vessels and reconstructed platform) Regional Historical Museum, Kirovograd, Ukraine
Associated CollectionRepository of satellite images: Durham University
Associated CollectionSediments from Nebelivka Cores 1A, 1B, 2 and 3: Durham University Department of Archaeology, Science Store (Dr. M. Church)
Associated PublicationAlbert, B; Innes, J; Krementskiy, K; Millard, A; Gaydarska, B; Nebbia, M and Chapman, J (2020) 'What was the ecological impact of a Trypillia mega-site occupation? multi-proxy palaeo-environmental investigations at Nebelivka, Ukraine.', Vegetation history and archaeobotany., 29 (1). pp. 15-34.
Associated PublicationBelenko, M. M. (2010) Kremyani material z poselenniya Nebelivka. Archeologiya i Davnia Istoriya Ukrainy 2010/3: pp.15-17.
Associated PublicationCaswell, E., Arbeiter, S., Ovchinnikov, E., Ponroy, C. and Chapman, J. (2016) The speaking fragments – what Trypillia sherds can tell. Arheologiyi Ukraini, Institute of Archaeology, Kyiv. Vipusk 1/18: pp. 5-14.
Associated PublicationChapman, J. (2015) Burn or bury? Mortuary alternatives in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Central and Eastern Europe. In Diachenko, A., Menotti, F., Ryzhov, S., Bunyatyan, K. & Kadrow, S. (eds.) The Cucuteni-Trypillia cultural complex and its neighbours. Essays in memory of Vlodomyr Kruts. Lviv: Astrolyabia, pp. 259 – 278.
Associated PublicationChapman, J. (2017) The standard Model, the Maximalists and the Minimalists: new interpretations of Trypillia mega-sites. Journal of World Prehistory 30/3: pp. 221-237.
Associated PublicationChapman, J. and Gaydarska, B. (2018) The Cucuteni - Trypillia 'Big Other’ – reflections on the making of millennial cultural traditions. In Werra, D. H. & Woźny, M. (eds.) Between history and archaeology - papers in honour of Jacek Lech. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, pp. 267 - 277.
Associated PublicationChapman, J. and Gaydarska, B. (in press) Low-density settlement in the Trypillia group: from villages to mega-sites to barrows. (To appear in Fletcher, R. & Nam, Kim (eds.) Anomalous giant settlements. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).
Associated PublicationChapman, J. and Gaydarska, B., (2016) Low-density agrarian cities: a principle of the past and the present. In Müller, J., Rassmann, K. & Videiko, M. (eds.) Tripolye-Megasites and European Prehistory 4100-3400 BCE. EAA Monograph, pp. 289-300.
Associated PublicationChapman, J. and Gaydarska, B., (2016) Low-density urbanism: the case of the Trypillia group of Ukraine. In Fernández-Götz, M. & Krausse, D. (eds.) Individualization, Urbanization and Social Differentiation: Eurasia at the Dawn of History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 81-105.
Associated PublicationChapman, J., Gaydarska, B. and Hale, D. (2016) Nebelivka: Assembly Houses, ditches and social structure In Müller, J., Rassmann, K. & Videiko, M. (eds.) Tripolye-Megasites and European Prehistory 4100-3400 BCE. EAA Monograph, pp. 117-132.
Associated PublicationChapman, J., Videiko, M. Y., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N. & Hale, D. (2014b) An Answer to Roland Fletcher’s Conundrum?: Preliminary Report on the Excavation of a Trypillia Mega-Structure at Nebelivka, Ukraine. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology 16: pp. 135-157.
Associated PublicationChapman, J., Videiko, M., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N. and Hale, D. (2015) Nebelivka: in search of the history and meaning of a Tripillye Copper Age mega-site. Budapest proceedings. In Hansen, S., Raczky, P., Anders, A. & Reingruber, A. (eds.). Neolithic and Copper Age between the Carpathians and the Black Sea. Archäologie in Eurasien 31. Bonn: Habelt, pp. 419-436.
Associated PublicationChapman, J., Videiko, M., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N., Hale, D., Villis, R., Swann, N., Thomas, N., Edwards, P., Blair, A., Hayes, A., Nebbia, M. and Rud, V. (2014) The planning of the earliest European proto-towns: a new geophysical plan of the Trypillia mega-site of Nebelivka, Kirovograd Domain, Ukraine. Antiquity Project Gallery. 088(339).
Associated PublicationChapman, J., Yu Videiko, M., Hale, D., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N., Rassmann, K., Mischka, C., Müller, J., Korvin-Piotrovskiy, A., Kruts, V. (2014) The Second Phase of the Trypillia Mega-Site Methodological Revolution: A New Research Agenda. European Journal of Archaeology 17 (3), pp. 369-406.
Associated PublicationChapman,J. and Gaydarska, B. (2017) Early urbanism in Europe? The case of the Trypillia Mega-sites, Ukraine. Bulletin of the Shanghai Archaeological Forum II: pp. 50-55.
Associated PublicationGaydarska, B (2015) Poseleniya-giganti ili protogoroda – oshtibochnoe protivopostavlenie. In Diachenko, A., Menotti, F., Ryzhov, S., Bunyatyan, K. & Kadrow, S. (eds.) The Cucuteni-Trypillia cultural complex and its neighbours. Essays in memory of Vlodomyr Kruts. Lviv: Astrolyabia, pp.35-56. (English version available from author)
Associated PublicationGaydarska, B. (2017) Introduction: European prehistory and urban studies. Special Issue on Urbanism. Journal of World Prehistory 30/3: pp.177-188.
Associated PublicationGaydarska, B. (ed.) 2020 Early Urbanism in Europe. The Trypillia Megasites of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. Warszawa / Berlin: De Gruyter Poland Ltd. doi: 10.1515/9783110664959.
Associated PublicationGaydarska, B. and Chapman, J. (2016) Nine Questions for Trypillia mega-site research. In Borisov, B. D. (ed.) Studia in honorem Professoris Boris Borisov. Veliko Trnovo: IBIS, pp. 179 - 197.
Associated PublicationGaydarska, B., (2016) The city is dead – long live the city! Norwegian Archaeological Review 49: pp. 40-57.
Associated PublicationHale, D. N., Chapman, J., Videiko, M., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N., Villis, R., Swann, N., Voke, P., Thomas, N., Blair, A., Bryant, A. Nebbia, M., Millard A. and Rud, V. (2017) "Nebelivka, Ukraine: geophysical survey of a complete Trypillia mega-site". In AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (12th-16th September 2017, University of Bradford), edited by Benjamin Jennings, Christopher Gaffney, Thomas Sparrow and Sue Gaffney, pp.100-102. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Associated PublicationJohnston, S., Diachenko, A., Gaydarska, B., Nebbia, M., Voke, P., Bondar, Ks., Litkevych, V. and Chapman, J. (2018). "The experimental building, burning and excavation of a two-storey Trypillia house". In: Materiality and Identity in Pre- and Protohistoric Europe (Homage to Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici), Senica Țurcanu and Constantin-Emil Ursu (eds), Publisher: Karl A. Romstorfer, pp. 397-434.
Associated PublicationJohnston, S., Litkevych, V., Gaydarska, B., Voke, P., Nebbia & Chapman, J., (in press) The Nebelivka experimental house construction and house-burning, 2014-2015 (accepted for: Spasić, M. (ed.) Houses in archaeological perspective. Beograd: Muzej Grada Beograda, 2016).
Associated PublicationKiosak, D. (2015) Kremyani virobi z poselenniya Nebelivka. Arkheologiya (Kyiv) 2015/1: 61 - 70.
Associated PublicationNebbia, M. (2016) Early cities or large villages?: settlement dynamics in the Trypillia group, Ukraine. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Durham University. Unpublished Durham University PhD thesis.
Associated PublicationVideiko, M., Chapman, J., Burdo, N., Gaydarska, B., Terziiska-Ignatova, S., Ivanova S., and Rud, V. (2015) Research project “Early urbanism in prehistoric Europe: the case of the Trypillia mega-sites” in 2013. Stratum Plus 2015 / 2: pp. 147-170.
Associated PublicationVideiko, M.Y., Chapman, J., Gaydarska, B., Burdo, N., Ovchinnikov, E., Pashkevych, G. and Shevchenko, N. (2013) Investigations of the Mega-Structure at the Trypillia Culture Settlement Near Nebelivka in 2012. Tyragetia, Seria Noua 7 (1), pp. 97-123.
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