Dendrochronology Database

Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG), 2000. (updated 2024) How to cite using this DOI

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Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG) (2024) Dendrochronology Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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DE21 7LX

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Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG) (2024) Dendrochronology Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Full Record - Pennant Melangell, Trefechan, barn

LocationPennant Melangell, Trefechan, barn, Montgomeryshire
Grid referenceSJ 0254 2614
DescriptionA three-bayed cruck-framed barn ranged west-east and sited across the slope at a higher level than the house. The lateral walls are timber framed but the gable ends appear to have been stone walled. The trusses at the central threshing floor each have a morticed tie-beam and collar; the surviving truss set against the stone wall has a lapped tie-beam and high collar and was not infilled. Trefechan is the first farmstead where it has proved possible to date both cruck-framed house and barn; the investment in the barn occurred fifty years after the construction of the house. Survey in NMRW; dating commissioned by RCAHMW.
Type of BuildingBarn
Type of StructureCrucks
Type of date Tree-ring (ring width) date.
Felling Date Range1607 - 1608
PeriodPost Medieval
VA Volume No.35
VA Page No.113
List sequence id1910
Laboratory Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory (and predecessors)

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View Pennant Melangell, Blaen-y-cwm, barn, Montgomeryshire
View Pennant Melangell, Trefechan, house, Montgomeryshire

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