Dendrochronology Database

Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG), 2000. (updated 2024) How to cite using this DOI

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Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG) (2024) Dendrochronology Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG) (2024) Dendrochronology Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Full Record - Pennant Melangell, Tyddyn-llwydion

LocationPennant Melangell, Tyddyn-llwydion, Montgomeryshire
Grid referenceSJ 1077 255
DescriptionTyddyn-llwydion, Pennant Melangell, was a cruck-framed hall-house longhouse with an early seventeenth-century cross-wing. The plan appears to have been: cow-bay (floored), large passage, single-bay hall, inner-room. The passage partition truss had the large open panels, probably for feeding cattle, first identified by S. R. Jones (1969) at Cil-eos Isaf. The dais partition alone was box-framed; the upper parlour end was close-studded. The building has since been demolished and the timbers purchased by Tom Smith who provided the sample slices. The platform has been excavated by the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust and a full report is to be published. The dating has identified two phases, one of 1554 and the other of 1602. Although the crucks were not positively provenanced, it is thought the latter relates to the cross-wing.
Type of BuildingHall/longhouse and cross wing
Type of StructureCruck; box frame dais partition
Type of date Tree-ring (ring width) date.
Felling Date1554
PeriodPost Medieval
Secondary date(s)1602
Notes2nd date for timber from framed 2nd phase of building
VA Volume No.27
VA Page No.107
List sequence id785
Laboratory Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory (and predecessors)

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View Pennant Melangell, Trefechan, barn, Montgomeryshire

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