Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Yorkshire and Lincolnshire

Humber Field Archaeology, 2009. https://doi.org/10.5284/1000071. How to cite using this DOI

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Humber Field Archaeology (2009) Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Yorkshire and Lincolnshire [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000071

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Humber Field Archaeology
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Humber Field Archaeology (2009) Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment: Yorkshire and Lincolnshire [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000071

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The project is a joint venture between English Heritage as the commissioning organisation and Humber Field Archaeology as principal contractor, to enhance the coastal archaeology record of north-eastern England, and identify sites at short- and medium-term risk in the coastal hinterland along the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire coast and in the mouth of the Humber estuary. The relevant information gathered by the project has been formulated as a series of desk-top reports provided to English Heritage and the National Monuments Record, with summaries and pdf versions of the reports available via OASIS/ADS, and digital archives, including a GIS-based record of the aerial photographic analysis.

The area of coverage principally includes the shoreline (to Lowest Astronomical Tide level) and 1km band of cliff and coastal hinterland, although virtually the entire Flamborough Head peninsula is included. In addition, aerial photographic survey and analysis to National Mapping Programme standards covers the same area, but includes entire 1km map squares, which in many areas extends the area of coverage inland. Areas below low-water mark, such as records of shipwrecks, wreck fastenings, dive sites and dredgings, are not generally included.

The RCZA aims to establish a more comprehensive and reliable database assessment of the range and scope of the archaeological resource than is currently available. Not only should this lead to a significant improvement in the archaeological coverage within the various Local Authority HERs, but it is also intended to inform long-term strategies for the management of the cultural heritage resource, especially in the light of the current Shoreline Management Plans. The results have been published in the form of a series of reports, arranged by coastal section, and supported by maps showing distributions of sites. A digital archive is also available, including a GIS-based record of the NMP data.

The project describes and locates 2264 records, 1864 of which are in the East Riding area, 400 in Lincolnshire/North East Lincolnshire. Of these, over 600 entries are new to the local SMRs/HERs, principally deriving from NMR records

The Digital Archive

The digital archive consists of the following resources:

Project Reports

The Yorkshire and Lincolnshire RCZA project produced four volumes. The files for these are available as PDF files from the downloads page. Any use or quotation of information from these reports should be cited using the following references:

  • Brigham, T., Buglass, J. and Geoarge, R. 2008: Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. North Yorkshire. Bempton to Donna Nook. English Heritage Project Number 3729. Humber Field Archaeology Report No. 235.
  • Buglass, J. and Brigham, T. 2008: Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. North Yorkshire. Donna Nook to Gibraltar Point. English Heritage Project Number 3729. Humber Field Archaeology Report No. 236.
  • Buglass, J. and Brigham, T. 2007: Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. North Yorkshire. Gibraltar Point to Sutton Bridge. English Heritage Project Number 3729. Humber Field Archaeology Report No. 237.
  • Buglass, J. and Brigham, T. 2008: Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey. North Yorkshire. Whitby to Reighton. English Heritage Project Number 3729. Humber Field Archaeology Report No. 238.

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