Mitchell, S., Price, N., Hutton, R., Purkiss, D., Patton, K., Severi, C., Aldhouse-Green, M. J., Semple, S., Pluskowski, A., Carver, M. O H. and Ginzburg, C. (2010). Witchcraft and Deep Time '“ a debate at Harvard. Antiquity 84 (325). Vol 84(325), pp. 864-879.

Title: Witchcraft and Deep Time '“ a debate at Harvard
Issue: Antiquity 84 (325)
Series: Antiquity
Volume: 84 (325)
Number of Pages: 315
Page Start/End: 864 - 879
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Reports on a Harvard conference which considered themes of ancient witchcraft and belief from a multi-disciplinary perspective. PP-B
Author: Stephen Mitchell
Neil Price
Ronald Hutton
Diane Purkiss
Kimberley Patton
Carlo Severi
Miranda J Aldhouse-Green
Sarah Semple
Aleks Pluskowski
Martin O H Carver ORCID icon
Carlo Ginzburg
Year of Publication: 2010
Source icon
BIAB (biab_online)
Created Date: 29 Dec 2010