Brickstock, R. J., Cardwell, P., Busby, P. A., Cool, H. E M., Huntley, J. P., Evans, J., Makey, P., Ronan D. and Wilson, P. R. (2007). Catterick Metal Detecting Project 1997--1999. Yorkshire Archaeol J 79. Vol 79, pp. 65-153.

Title: Catterick Metal Detecting Project 1997--1999
Subtitle: with an appendix on 1993 evaluation excavations south of Bainesse (Site 506) and within the suburb of Cataractonium north of the River Swale (Site 511)
Issue: Yorkshire Archaeol J 79
Series: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal
Volume: 79
Page Start/End: 65 - 153
Biblio Note Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Three seasons of fieldwork undertaken jointly by metal detectorists and archaeologists recovered material from a site near Cataractonium Roman forts and `small town' and the Bainesse Roman roadside settlement some 2 km to the south following raids by `nighthawks'. Significant finds of military equipment and coins from Bainesse add to and modify our understanding of that site. In addition results from two evaluations undertaken in 1993 are presented -- one within the northern suburb of Cataractonium and one south of Bainesse, the former providing new data on the latest structures within the suburb and section across Dere Street, and the latter demonstrating the existence of multiple phases of structures lining Dere Street. Includes
Author: Richard J Brickstock
Peter Cardwell
P A Busby
H E M Cool
Jacqueline P Huntley
Jeremy Evans
Peter Makey
Ronan D
Pete R Wilson ORCID icon
Year of Publication: 2007
Subjects / Periods:
Coins (Auto Detected Subject)
Roadside Settlement (Auto Detected Subject)
Roman (Auto Detected Temporal)
Catterick Metal (Auto Detected Subject)
Forts (Auto Detected Subject)
Source icon
BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Created Date: 29 Jan 2008