Ford, B., Cox, A., Gallagher, D. B., Wickham-Jones, C. R. and Bateson, J. D. (2003). The artefacts. In: n.e. The origins of settlements at Kelso and Peebles, Scottish Borders archaeological excavations in Wester and Easter Kelso and Cuddyside/Bridgegate, Peebles by the Border Burghs Archaeology Project and the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust, 1983--1994. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. pp. 107-125.

Title: The artefacts
Issue: The origins of settlements at Kelso and Peebles, Scottish Borders archaeological excavations in Wester and Easter Kelso and Cuddyside/Bridgegate, Peebles by the Border Burghs Archaeology Project and the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust, 1983--1994
Series: Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports
Volume: 2
Number of Pages: 168
Page Start/End: 107 - 125
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Publication Type: MonographSeriesChapter
Abstract: Artefacts from the excavations are described and discussed below. For each burgh, the artefacts report begins with brief summaries of the assemblage from each excavation. Following this is a select catalogue of the artefacts, organised by material and artefact type. Finds from the Kelso excavations are discussed together, whereas finds from Bridgegate and Cuddyside are discussed separately. The finds include personal items, textile equipment, lithics, clay pipes and coins. Materials comprise copper alloy, gold, lead alloy, iron, bone. glass ceramic building material and a leather offcut.
Author: Barbara Ford
Adrian Cox
Dennis B Gallagher
Caroline R Wickham-Jones
J D Bateson
Year of Publication: 2003
ISBN: 0 903903 71 7
Subjects / Periods:
Copper Alloy Gold Lead Alloy Iron Bone Glass Ceramic Building Material (Auto Detected Subject)
Coins Materials (Auto Detected Subject)
Artefact (Auto Detected Subject)
Artefacts (Auto Detected Subject)
Leather Offcut (Auto Detected Subject)
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Created Date: 09 Oct 2003