Smith, C. E. and Henderson, D. (2003). Animal bone. In: n.e. The origins of settlements at Kelso and Peebles, Scottish Borders archaeological excavations in Wester and Easter Kelso and Cuddyside/Bridgegate, Peebles by the Border Burghs Archaeology Project and the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust, 1983--1994. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. pp. 126-130.

Title: Animal bone
Issue: The origins of settlements at Kelso and Peebles, Scottish Borders archaeological excavations in Wester and Easter Kelso and Cuddyside/Bridgegate, Peebles by the Border Burghs Archaeology Project and the Scottish Urban Archaeological Trust, 1983--1994
Series: Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports
Volume: 2
Number of Pages: 168
Page Start/End: 126 - 130
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Publication Type: MonographSeriesChapter
Abstract: The animal bones from these three Borders sites have shown that assumptions based on material from urban excavations in the north-east of Scotland do not necessarily hold true for every other Scottish site. This is particularly so for the evidence from medieval and post-medieval phases at Bridgegate, Peebles, where sheep bones dominated over those of cattle. Thus far, discussions of the pattern of animal exploitation in the medieval and post-medieval periods have relied on results from north-easterly sites, mainly towns, and have concluded that the economy relied more heavily on cattle that on sheep. The bones from Peebles proved the evidence to show that sheep, the producers of wool and thence textiles, play a far more important role that cattle in the Borders region.
Author: Chris E Smith
David Henderson
Year of Publication: 2003
ISBN: 0 903903 71 7
Subjects / Periods:
Medieval (Auto Detected Temporal)
Borders Region (Auto Detected Subject)
Sheep Bones (Auto Detected Subject)
Sheep (Auto Detected Subject)
Animal Bone (Auto Detected Subject)
Postmedieval (Auto Detected Temporal)
Cattle (Auto Detected Subject)
Animal Bones (Auto Detected Subject)
Bones (Animal) (BIAB)
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Created Date: 09 Oct 2003