Duffy, P. R J. (2005). 4 The human remains from the cists. In: n.e. The excavation of a mound and three cist burials at Ferndall, Rendall, Orkney. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. pp. 7-8.

Title: 4 The human remains from the cists
Issue: The excavation of a mound and three cist burials at Ferndall, Rendall, Orkney
Series: Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports
Volume: 16
Number of Pages: 24
Page Start/End: 7 - 8
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ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: MonographSeriesChapter
Abstract: Specialist report on the cremated remains and the inhumations. A minimum of three individuals were represented by the cremated bone and there were two inhumations.
Author: Paul R J Duffy
Year of Publication: 2005
ISBN: 0-903903-85-7
Subjects / Periods:
Inhumations (Auto Detected Subject)
Human Remains (Auto Detected Subject)
Cremated Bone (Auto Detected Subject)
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BIAB (DigitalBorn)
Created Date: 01 Sep 2015