Petts, D. (2011). Landscapes of belief. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 15 (3). Vol 15(3), pp. 461-480.

Title: Landscapes of belief
Subtitle: non-conformist mission in the North Pennines
Issue: International Journal of Historical Archaeology 15 (3)
Series: International Journal of Historical Archaeology
Volume: 15 (3)
Number of Pages: 227
Page Start/End: 461 - 480
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Explores the way in which the religious changes associated with 'home mission' campaigns affected the landscape of the lead-mining districts of the North Pennines in northern England. It is argued that a repeating cycle of preaching first outdoors, then indoors and then in purpose-built structures can be recognized.
Author: David Petts
Year of Publication: 2011
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BIAB (biab_online)
Created Date: 25 Aug 2012