n.a. (n.d.). Excavations at Kilpeck, Herefordshire. Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club 47 (2). Vol 47(2), pp. 162-209.

The title of the publication or report
Excavations at Kilpeck, Herefordshire
The name of the volume or issue
Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club 47 (2)
The series the publication or report is included in
Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club
Volume number and part
47 (2)
Page Start/End
Page Start/End
The start and end page numbers.
Page Start/End:
162 - 209
Biblio Note
Biblio Note
This is a Bibliographic record only.
Biblio Note
Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Provides details of the known history of a site which includes a planted medieval settlement and Norman castle, and church which dates back to the seventh or eighth century, followed by a history of its archaeological management. The two excavations -- one within the castle bailey and the other north of the churchyard -- are described. Finds reports include details of iron objects, predominantly medieval in date and including several horseshoes; `Metal working residues' by J G McDonnell (192--5); and `The pottery' by A G Vince (195--201). Conclusions -- that the inner bailey contains important archaeological levels, and that the area between the castle bailey ditch and the defended settlement had only slight traces of occupation -- are followed by brief details of the archive and a discussion of Kilpeck in its context.
Issue Editor
Issue Editor
The editor of the volume or issue
Issue Editor:
Ron Shoesmith
Other Person/Org
Other Person/Org
Other people or organisations for this publication or report
Other Person/Org:
Isabel H Holroyd (Abstract author)
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
No Date
Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
Subjects / Periods:
Castle Bailey (Auto Detected Subject)
SETTLEMENT (Monument Type England)
Churchyard (Auto Detected Subject)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
Horseshoes Metal (Auto Detected Subject)
CHURCH (Monument Type England)
SHERD (Object England)
Castle Bailey Ditch (Auto Detected Subject)
Eighth Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
CASTLE (Monument Type England)
Iron (Auto Detected Subject)
EARLY MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
BIAB (TaggedExceptions)
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
10 Apr 2002