Clouston, J. Storer. (1937). The Armorial De Berry. (Scottish Section).. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 72. Vol 72, pp. 84-114.

Title: The Armorial De Berry. (Scottish Section).
Issue: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 72
Series: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Volume: 72
Number of Pages: 409
Page Start/End: 84 - 114
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: The Armorial Rolls in Scotland begin comparatively late in the sixteenth century, and there is very little of definitely certain date then, till one reaches the 1540s. Before that period, however, some limited light is thrown by three of the great Continental armorials: the Armorial de Gerle, the Armorial de L'Europe and the Armorial de Berry which is the latest. It is much longer than the other two, including 125 names (not counting one repetition presumably in error), and some 93 separate families who can with reasonable confidence be identified. it has been deliberately designed to cover the greater part of the country and display a representative collection of arms for\r\nall Scotland. A detailed description of the document is given along with a list of all the Scottish names and their accompanying arms.
Author: J Storer Clouston
Year of Publication: 1937
Subjects / Periods:
Sixteenth Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 18 Nov 2013