Petts, D. (2002). Beacon Hill, Aspatria: an early Christian carved stone rehabilitated.. Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 2 (series 3). Vol 2, pp. 103-110.  Cite this via datacite

Title: Beacon Hill, Aspatria: an early Christian carved stone rehabilitated.
Subtitle: an Early Christian carved stone rehabilitated
Issue: Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 2 (series 3)
Series: Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society
Volume: 2
Page Start/End: 103 - 110
tcwaas_003_2002_vol2_0011.pdf (756 kB) : Download
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Reconsiders the excavation of a barrow known as Old Parks on Beacon Hill, Cumbria in 1789. Recent excavation suggests that the barrow probably dates from the ninth or tenth centuries AD. Two of the stones from a cist in the barrow were inscribed with a number of symbols. These symbols were interpreted by the excavator as being Early Christian in date.
Author: David Petts
Other Person/Org: Robert D B Bath (Abstract author)
Year of Publication: 2002
Subjects / Periods:
Early Medieval (BIAB)
Cists (BIAB)
Tenth Centuries Ad (Auto Detected Temporal)
Cist (Auto Detected Subject)
BARROW (Monument Type England)
1789 (Auto Detected Temporal)
Note: [OS NY 7413 4185]
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 13 Feb 2003