Title: |
Whitsundoles Farm. Watching Brief. Interim Report 1. |
Number of Pages: |
20 |
Biblio Note |
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Publication Type: |
Abstract: |
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken during topsoil and subsoil stripping within the Phase One mineral extraction area and areas stripped to create an earth bund to the north of Phases 3 and 4 at Whitsundoles Farm. The extraction area was situated between two known archaeological sites, a Roman field system and settlement and a Bronze Age settlement. Cropmarks of presumed archaeoloigcal origin were visable across the site and an evaluation had been undertaken in 1995 which had identified a number of areas of archaeological potential. Two parallel ditches were traced for 31m metres across the stripped area towards the north of Phase 3 which clearly continued into the extraction area. A group of nine pits and a line of post holes over c5.5m and a single large pit 5.5m from these were recorded in the area to the north of Phase 4 within the area identified by the evaluation as being of high archaeoloigcal potential. The nature and location of the features in this area, when combined with the ressults of earlier evaluation trenches, suggested that there may be an area of up to 1ha of Iron Age/Roman settlement that would require investigation. The results confirmed the accuracy of the evaluation and provided additional information on the nature and location of archaeological features that were likely to be uncovered in future phases of extraction. [Au(adp)] |
Author: |
M Luke
Mark Phillips
Publisher: |
Bedfordshire County Council, Planning Department Conservation and Archaeology Section
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Location - Auto Detected: |
Whitsundoles Farm |
Subjects / Periods: |
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Date Of Issue From:
Date Of Coverage From:
Date Of Coverage To:
Editorial Expansion:
Site name: WHITSUNDOLES FARM Study area: Investigation type: Post-determination/Research District: Mid Bedfordshire Monument: PIT. Iron Age, POST HOLE. Iron Age, DITCH. Undated, [finds]. Late Iron Age, [finds]. Post-medieval (1540-1901) Ngr: SP92104030 Parish: Hulcote and Salford Postcode: MK160HX
Source: |
(Archaeological Investigations Project (AIP))
Created Date: |
19 Jan 2009 |