Phillips, M. (2009). St Giles Church, Totternhoe: Archaeological Observation and Investigation. Bedford: Albion Archaeology.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: St Giles Church, Totternhoe: Archaeological Observation and Investigation
Series: Albion Archaeology unpublished report series
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Publication Type: Report (in Series)
Abstract: Albion Archaeology was commissioned on behalf of The Church of St Giles Parochial Church Council to oversee groundworks associated with drainage works at the church in Totternhoe, Bedfordshire and to investigate and record any archaeological remains that were uncovered. The attendance of an archaeologist had been requested by the Diocesan Archaeological Advisor (DAA) as a precaution against the discovery of archaeological remains . A block of stonework below the east end of the south aisle appears to be the remains of a foundation. A straight join with the foundation of the chancel suggests that it was built up against the chancel and is therefore later than the 14th century chancel. A single sherd of late medieval pottery embedded into the foundation shows that it was not built before the 14th century. The size and distinctive shape of the foundation suggest that it may have been intended to support stonework in the angle between the chancel and the east end of the south aisle. It is possible that the design was changed during construction work or that the east end of the aisle has been altered subsequently. No in situ burials and few disarticulated bones were found in the uppermost part of the soil profile. All of the in situ burials occurred below 1m deep and so were only revealed in the deeper excavations for the soakaway pits. The presence of coffin nails and handles indicates that a number of the burials were associated with coffins. The coffin handles had a variety of backing plates, some plain rectangular backing plates and some shaped.
Author: Mark Phillips
Publisher: Albion Archaeology
Other Person/Org: Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Central Bedfordshire HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication: 2009
Site: Church of St Giles, Totternhoe
District: Central Bedfordshire
County: Bedfordshire
Country: England
Grid Reference: 498840, 220885 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods:
UNCERTAIN (Historic England Periods) N/A (Find)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods) CHURCH (Monument Type England)
OASIS Id: albionar1-61888
OBIB: 2009/73
Note: A4 comb bound report
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Created Date: 24 Nov 2016