Gray, L. (2022). Glastonbury Town Investment Plan Planning, Environment and Heritage Appraisal. Mott MacDonald. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Glastonbury Town Investment Plan Planning, Environment and Heritage Appraisal
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Mott MacDonald unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
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Environment context: This section includes guidance through a high level review of environmental statuary and non-statuary designations and constraints, which has been undertaken based on locations of the four sites, as identified in Section 1; and further recommendations on further study and consents relating to regulatory compliance that may be applicable. Heritage context: This Heritage chapter has been produced with the aim of furthering understanding of the heritage context of the five projects at the sites proposed. This includes their chronology and the heritage assets present on site, in order to inform design and construction choices during its proposed redevelopment. It has used information from the following resources:●The National Heritage List for England (NHLE). ●Historic Environment Record (HER) data, received from the South West Heritage Trust, who operate on behalf of Somerset County Council and Bath and NE Somerset Council. ●Relevant local, regional and national planning policies. ●Available online historic maps. ●Available relevant online historical resources. ’Land at Morlands’ is situated close to the grade II listed Former Bailys Tannery and Leather Working Factory on West and East Sides of Beckery Old Road (NHLE: 1390568), and there are several non-designated heritage assets in the vicinity. Therefore, a Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment should be produced to assess the potential impact that this development would have on both designated and non-designated heritage assets. ‘Land at Porchestall Drove’ is unlikely to have an impact on any designated heritage assets, due to the distance between the site and the closest assets. It has moderate archaeological potential due to the lack of evaluation in this area to date, lack of development at the site suggesting and known archaeological resource in the surrounding area. It is therefore recommended an Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment is undertaken to assess the potential impact of any works to archaeological remains. Tor Leisure Site is situated adjacent to the Glastonbury Conservation Area and in the vicinity of several non-designated heritage assets. Therefore, a Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment should be produced to assess the potential impact that this development would have on both designated and non-designated heritage assets. Glastonbury Enterprise & Innovation Hub is unlikely to impact upon any designated heritage assets, due to the distance between the site and the closest assets. It has low archaeological potential, due to the extent of modern industrial development in the vicinity of the site. It is therefore recommended that no additional survey or assessment on the impact of this development on the historic environment is are required. Development at Glastonbury Abbey Piazza and St Dunstan’s House Community and Wellbeing Centre should require Scheduled Monument Consent. This is because the grade II listed St Dunstan’s House (NHLE: 1057905) falls within the footprint of the Glastonbury Abbey Scheduled Monument (NHLE: 1021077) and, in accordance with law, works to listed buildings which fall within the footprint of a scheduled monument should only be subject to Scheduled Monument Consent and not require Listed Building Consent. However, St Dunstan’s House is a grade II listed building dating to the 18thcentury with limited relationship to the scheduled Glastonbury Abbey and as such consultation with the local authority should be undertaken to confirm what the consent regime would be for development to this listed building. Any works to listed buildings outside of the footprint of the scheduled monument, such as the grade II* listed Town Hall (NHLE: 1057094), would be subject to a Listed Building Consent Application.
The authors of this publication or report
Lucy Gray
The publisher of the publication or report
Mott MacDonald
Year of Publication
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Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
Parish: Glastonbury
County: Somerset
Country: England
District: Mendip
Grid Reference: 349914, 138849 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 349579, 138539 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 348919, 138559 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 348749, 138919 (Easting, Northing)
Grid Reference: 348709, 138479 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: mottmacd2-512054
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Created Date:
10 Mar 2023