Roman Amphorae: a digital resource

University of Southampton, 2005. (updated 2014) How to cite using this DOI

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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Dr David Williams
Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
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SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032

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University of Southampton (2014) Roman Amphorae: a digital resource [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Dressel 6B

The authors name links to a more detailed bibliographical record.

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Begley, V. et al. (edd.) (1996) The Ancient Port of Arikamedu: New Excavations and Researches 1989-92. Paris:
Bezeczky, T. (1994c) Amphorenfunde vom Magdalensberg und aus Pannonien. Ein Vergleich. Klagenfurt: , Archäologische Forschungen zu den Grabungen auf dem Magdalensberg 12. Kärtner Museumsschrift.
Bezeczky, T. (1998b) The Laecanius Amphora Stamps and the Villas of Brijuni. Vienna: , Ősterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophische-Historische Klasse Denkschriften.
Brukner, 0. (1981) Rimska keramika u Jugoslovenskom Delu Provincije Donje Panonije. Belgrade:
Buchi, E. (1971) "Banchi di anfore romane a Verona. Note sui commerci cisalpini." Il Territorio Veronese in età Romana. Atti del convegno tenuto a Verona, 22-24 ott. 1971. : 531-637
Carre, M.-B. (1985) "Les amphores de la Cisalpine et de l'Adriatique au debut de l'Empire." In , Mélanges de l'Ėcole Française de Rome. Antiquité., pp. 207-245
Degrassi, A. (1962) "L'esportazione di olio e olive Istriane nell'età romana." In , Scritti vari di antichità., pp. 965-972
Tassaux, F. (2001) "Production et diffusion des amphores à huile Istriennes." Strutture portuali e rotte marittime nell'Adriatico di età romana. : 501-543
Will, E. L. (1996) "Mediterranean shipping amphoras from the 1941-50 Excavations (at Arikamedu)." The Ancient Port of Arikamedu: New Excavations and Researches 1989-92. : 317-349
Zaccaria, C. (ed.) (2001) "Strutture portuali e rotte marittime nell'Adriatico di età romana." In , Antichità Altoadriatiche., pp. 501-543


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