Connecting Derby. A Programme of Archaeological Investigations

Birmingham Archaeology, 2017. How to cite using this DOI

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Birmingham Archaeology (2017) Connecting Derby. A Programme of Archaeological Investigations [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
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Birmingham Archaeology (2017) Connecting Derby. A Programme of Archaeological Investigations [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Reports | Image Gallery | CAD (Vector graphics) | GIS


A number of project reports are available in the Library and can be accessed using the 'Go to report' link below.

Driver, L,Hislop, M (2005) Connecting Derby, Archaeological Building Recording: Stage 1. Birmingham Archaeology:Birmingham.
Go to report
Tyler, R (2007) Connecting Derby, Historic Building Recording: Stage 2, Land between King Street, St. Helen's Street and Lodge Lane. Birmingham Archaeology:Birmingham.
Go to report
Hewitson, C (2005) Connecting Derby: An Archaeological Evaluation. 2005. Birmingham Archaeology:Birmingham.
Go to report
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Text metadata
Text metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
3 Kb
Engineers plan metadata PDF 127 Kb
Hislop, M. Birmingham Archaeology (2004) Connecting Derby: An Historic Building Assessment 2004. Report No. 1169 Birmingham Archaeology: Birmingham. PDF 475 Kb
Birmingham Archaeology (2005) Engineers plan. Birmingham Archaeology: Birmingham. PDF 138 Kb
Duncan, M. Birmingham Archaeology (2005) King Street/Queen Street Junction Refurbishment, Derby: An Archaeological Watching Brief. 2005. Report No. 1359 Birmingham Archaeology: Birmingham. PDF 211 Kb
Mitchell, W., Hewitson, C. Birmingham Archaeology (2009) Archaeological Excavation and Watching Brief at the sites of King Street, Ford Street, Agard Street, Stafford Street and Babbington Lane: Assessment of Potential and Updated Project Design. Report No. 1913.02 Birmingham Archaeology: Birmingham. PDF 3 Mb
Hislop, M. Birmingham Archaeology (2009) Connecting Derby: Archaeological Building Recording, Stage 3, April 2009. Report No. 1932 Birmingham Archaeology: Birmingham. PDF 6 Mb

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