HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

Kevin Camidge, 2018. How to cite using this DOI

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Kevin Camidge (2018) HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Kevin Camidge unless otherwise stated

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The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Kevin Camidge (2018) HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

The Colossus survey 2017 archive consists mainly of a report and a collection of photographs and videos documenting the discoveries made during the survey. A single fragment of pottery was recovered and this has been deposited in the Isles of Scilly Museum.

Photograph filenames consist of four parts:

Search Area
The search areas are denoted by one or two characters followed by a number. A plan of the search areas can be seen on page 25 of the project report.
Object Number
Each object found was numbered in the order it was found within the search area.
Photo number
If there is more than one photograph of an object, each different photograph is numbered using a sequence of numbers.
The file extension denotes the type of raster file (e.g. jpg).

So for example C3_4_2.jpg is photo number 2 of object number 4 in search area C3.

No photographs were recorded for areas N3, N4, C3, C7, S2, S3, S6, S7.

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